Define Recurrence

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Monthly recurring revenue report > Recurrence

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Upcoming renewal report > Recurrence

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Total contract report > Recurrence

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > New contract sales report > Recurrence

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Termination report > Recurrence

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Total contract revenue report > Recurrence

Use this page to set the parameters for a recurring report run.

Set Recurrence

To set the recurrence schedule for a report run, follow these steps: 

  1. For any report specify the settings for the Parameters, Destination, and Records to include.
  2. In Run in the background, select Recurrence, and complete the page as follows: 
    1. Specify the start date and time and the time zone.
    2. Specify when you want the recurring report to end.
    3. Specify how often and when the recurring report is to run.
    4. Select OK.
  3. When you return to the main reporting page, select OK.


This page contains the following fields: 

Recurring Report Fields Table
Field Description
Start date Specify date on which the recurring report run starts.
Start time Specify the time at which the recurring report run starts.
Time zone Specify the time zone that is relevant for the recurring report.
Recurrence end

Specify when the recurring batch job ends: 

  • No end date: The recurring report has no end date, but due to program restrictions has an automatic end date after one year.
  • End after: Specify the number of times the recurring report is to run.
  • End by: Specify the date by which the recurring report run is to end.
Recurrence pattern 
Select how often the report run recurs. You select the unit of measure, and then specify the details for the unit of measure.
Minutes, Hours Specify the number of minutes or hours that passes before the recurring report runs.
Days Specify the number of days that pass before the recurring report runs, or you can select to run the report every weekday.
Weeks Specify the weekly recurring schedule by selecting the day of the week and the number of weeks that pass before the recurring report runs.

Select an option: 

  • Repeat a specific day by a fixed interval: Select to run the report on a specific date of the month and repeat after a specified number of months. For example, you can specify to run a report on the 15 of the month every two months.
  • Repeat a specific weekday by a fixed interval: Select the week and day on which to run the report. You can also specify to repeat the report run after a specified number of months. For example, you can specify to run a report quarterly on every second Wednesday of the month.

Select an option: 

  • Repeat once a year: Runs the report at the end of the calendar year.
  • Repeat a specific weekday a year: Select to run the report on a specific week, day, and month. For example, you can specify to run a report on the second Wednesday of November every year.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Buttons Table
Button Description

Saves any changes, and closes the page.


Cancels all changes and closes the page.