Support and Renewal Audit

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > All or Active billing schedules > [select a billing schedule] >[select a billing schedule line] > [select Support and renewal]

Use this page to enter detailed information about the support or renewal item for the sales transaction. This information is used to calculate the charge amount for the original support contract and/or the renewal amount for creating a billing schedule.

You can enter the support or renewal contract information, or both. When you enter the support contract information, only the support item is added to the sales document. When you enter the renewal contract information, the renewal item is used to create a billing schedule.

When a customer allows a support contract to lapse, you are asked if you want to make the billing schedule active again.

When you want to make a sale that includes the first year of support only, without an automatic renewal of the support contract, clear the Create/Update Renewal option so that when you post the sales transaction, a recurring billing schedule is not created.

Note icon. Note: The support and renewal is available for only the sales order and has no other association with the existing billing schedule.

Edit Support/Renewal Information

To edit support and renewal information for a billing schedule line, follow these steps: 

  1. In the list of all billing schedules, select the Schedule number of the billing schedule.
  2. In the Billing schedule lines section, select a line and select Support and renewal.
  3. Review all the information for the support or renewal item.
  4. If needed, change the support level or renewal percentage or amount, and specify a Reason code.
  5. Select Process.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Schedule number Displays the billing schedule number.
Description Displays a description of the billing schedule.
Item number Displays the item number for the billing schedule line.
Product name Displays the product name.
Support level Select the support level for the renewal or support item.
Renewal percentage

Specify the renewal percentage used when calculating the unit price for a renewal item in a billing schedule.

Renewal amount

Specify the renewal amount used when calculating the unit price for a renewal item in a billing schedule.

Reason for change Displays the reason for changing the support and renewal information. When you make changes to this page, you can specify a reason for the change. You must enter a reason when you change the Renewal percentage, Renewal amount, or Support level.
Original sales item Displays the original sales item number of the original.
Original new amount Displays the original new amount for the item.
Original support level Displays the original support level for the item.
Original renewal percentage Displays the original renewal percentage for the item.
Original renewal amount Displays the original renewal amount for the item.
Sales lines
Old support level Displays the previous support level.
Old renewal percentage Displays the previous renewal percentage.
Old renewal amount Displays the previous renewal amount.
User modified Displays the user name who made the change.
Modification date Displays the date on which he change occurred.
Reason Displays the reason for the change.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description
Process Updated the support or renewal item with the changes specified.

Closes the page.