Mass Update Milestone Processing

Modules > Advanced Recurring Contract Billing > Periodic tasks > Mass update milestone processing

Use this page to update the completion dates or percentages for specific milestone items for multiple billing schedules or customers. After processing is completed, the milestone items are updated based on the type of processing selected.

Update Milestone Completion

To update the completion date or completion percentage for milestone items, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the Milestone processing type you want to perform.
    1. When updating the percentage of completion, specify the Completion percentage and, if needed, specify the Item number for new event.
    2. When updating the date of completion, specify the Completion date.
  2. Select the items you want to include: Parent items or Invoiced milestones or both
  3. Specify the Deferral end date.
  4. Choose Select and add data filters so that only the range of records that you want appear in the billing schedule list.
  5. From the billing schedule lines list, select the lines that you do not want to process, and select Remove.
  6. Select OK.

If you use the Item group feature, the parent and child items must belong to the same item group. If the child item does not belong to the same item group as the parent, the process fails, and you must change the item group for the child before you can process the transaction.

  • Date of Completion: After processing the Update completion date action, all lines processed are updated with the completion date specified. For the updated items, the Estimated completion date on the Line Details FastTab of the Billing Schedules page is updated with the completion date.
  • Percentage of Completion: After processing the Update completion percentage action, the Milestone Allocation and Billing Schedules pages are updated as follows: 
    • If the milestone template used has one or more items already set up, the completion percentage value is updated on the Milestone Allocation page for the first line where Allocation percentage is zero (0) line. Any value specified for the Item number for new event is ignored.
    • If the milestone template used has no items set up and the Item number for new event has a value, the item specified is added to the Milestone Allocation lines and the completion percentage value is updated for the Allocation percentage of the item.

      Also, on the Billing Schedule Lines FastTab on the Billing Schedules page, a new line is added for the milestone event item.

    • If the milestone template used has no items set up and the Item number for new event is empty, the parent is added to the Milestone Allocation lines and the completion percentage value is updated for the Allocation percentage of the item.

      Also, on the Billing Schedule Lines FastTab on the Billing Schedules page, a new line is added for the milestone item.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Milestone processing

Select whether to Update completion date or Update completion percentage for all milestone billing parent or child items in the Lines.

When Update completion percentage is selected and after applying the Select filters, the list is updated with billing schedule lines that have a milestone parent items that use the Percentage of completion allocation method.

Completion percentage Specify the percentage of completion for the milestone billing items. Required and available for the Update completion percentage processing action.
Parent items

Select to include only child items or both parent and child items:

  • Yes: Includes both the parent items and the child items.
  • No: Includes only the child items.
Invoiced milestones

Select to include milestone items where the invoice has already been created:

  • Yes: Includes milestone items that have already received an invoice.
  • No: Includes only milestones items that have not received an invoice.
Item number for new event Specify the item for a new event. Available for the Update completion percentage processing action.
Completion date

Select the date on which the items completed. The completion date corresponds to the end date of the billing schedule. Available and required for the Update completion date processing action.

Deferral date

Select the deferral end date when updating ARED deferral schedules.

Schedule number Displays the billing schedule number.
Description Displays a description of the billing schedule.
Customer account Displays the customer account ID or number.
Customer name Displays the customer name.
End user account

Displays the end user account ID or number.

End user name

Displays the end user name.

Billing start date

Displays the billing start date.

Billing end date

Displays the billing end date.

Termination date Displays the termination date.
Item number

Displays the item number for the billing schedule line.

Product name

Displays the product name.

Unit price

Displays the unit price for the item.

Billing frequency

Displays the billing end date.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Opens the query dialog where you add more filters to retrieve only the records that you want to process.


Processes all selected records. The end date of the milestone items are updated with the specified completion date. Also, the completion date of the deferral schedule attached to the billing schedule item is updated.

If the milestone items are associated with a recognition deferral schedule, the deferral end date is updated with the date specified in this page.

When Parent items are included, the completion date is only updated for the sub-items.


Cancels all changes and closes the page.