CPI Schedule

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > End users > CPI schedule

Use this page to create, delete, edit, or review the list of Consumer Price Index (CPI) schedules that you obtain from the Internet to help determine the charge escalation. You can create many CPI schedules based on the latest dates and statistics.

If the CPI schedule is associated with any billing schedule, you cannot delete it.

To obtain the latest CPI schedule, visit the website for your geographic region. If you are able to, download the latest index and import it to the CPI schedule.

The top of the page allows you to apply a filter value so that you can see only the records that match the filter you enter.


Add a CPI schedule: 

  1. Select New.
  2. Specify a unique Schedule ID and a Description.
  3. Select Add.
  4. In CPI date, select a date on which the CPI becomes active.
  5. Specify the CPI index value.
  6. Select Save.

Delete a CPI schedule: 

  1. Select one or more lines that you want to delete, and select Delete.
  2. When you are asked to confirm the action, select Yes.

Edit a CPI schedule: 

  1. Select the line you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes, and select Save.

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This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
This data is available in the header section when you view the details of a CPI schedule, or when you view the list of all CPI schedules.
Schedule id Specify the CPI schedule ID.
Description Specify a description of the CPI schedule.
Date last run Displays the date on which the CPI schedule was last processed.
User last run Displays the ID of the user who ran the latest processing.
The lines appear when you view the details of a CPI schedule.
CPI date Specify date for the CPI value.
CPI index Specify the CPI value for the date.
CPI process
The CPI process appears when you view the details of a CPI schedule.
Schedule number Displays the billing schedule number.
Item number Displays the item number.
Billing start date Displays the start date for the billing schedule.
Billing end date Displays the end date for the billing schedule.
Escalation date Displays the date on which the escalation begins.
Escalation Frequency Displays the frequency of the escalation.

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This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Saves the record and any changes to the page.

New Adds a line where you can create a record.

Deletes the selected record or line.

Process Updates the billing schedules that use the selected CPI schedule.
Add Adds a line to a CPI schedule. Available when you view the details of a CPI schedule.
Remove Removes a line from a CPI schedule. Available when you view the details of a CPI schedule.

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