End Users

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > End users > End users

Use this page to create, delete, edit, or review end user records that you can later associate with a customer ID. The new record is assigned to an existing global address book (party) record, or a new record in the global address book is created.

The top of the page allows you to apply a filter value so that you can see only the records that match the filter you enter.

General Scenario

To better understand the purpose of the customer and end user relationship, review this example.

  • Company A produces and sells software.
  • VAR# is a distributor of the software that Company A produces, where # is 1, 2, 3, etc.
  • EndUser# is the actual user of the software that Company A produces, where # is 1, 2, 3, etc.

The relationships are as follows: 

  • Company A and each VAR# is a business relationship, where VAR# is a customer of Company A.
  • VAR# and EndUser# is a business relationship where EndUser# is a customer of VAR#.

    Additionally, one VAR# can have relationships with several EndUser#s. However, one EndUser# can have a relationship with only one VAR#.

In Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations , Company A creates customer account records for each VAR#: VAR1, VAR2, VAR3, etc. and customer account records for each EndUser#: Enduser1, Enduser2, Enduser3, etc.

On the this page, the relationships between the VAR#s and the EndUser#s can be created as follows: 

  • VAR1 can have relationships with EndUser1, EndUser3, EndUser5.
  • VAR2 can have relationships with EndUser2, EndUser4, EndUser6.
  • VAR3 can have relationships with EndUser7, EndUser8, EndUser9.

With these customer and end user relationships, Company A can keep track of the actual end users of the software and learn more about subscription services and support offerings that EndUser# purchases.

Create Customer-End User Relationship

To create a customer-end user relationship, follow these steps: 

  1. Select New.
  2. Select a Customer account.
  3. Select the End user account.
  4. Select Save.

Delete Customer-End User Relationship

To delete a customer-end user relationship, follow these steps: 

  1. Select one or more lines that you want to delete, and select Delete.
  2. When you are asked to confirm the action, select Yes.

Edit Customer-End User Relationship

To edit a customer-end user relationship, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the line you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes, and select Save.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Customer account Select a customer account.
Customer name Displays the customer name.
End user account Select an end user account.
End user name Displays the name for the end user account.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Buttons Table
Button Description
Save Saves the record
New Adds a line where you can create a record.
Delete Deletes a record.