Milestone Templates

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Setup > Milestone Templates

Use this page to define templates for the milestone billing functionality. You can define the allocation percentages or amounts for each line within the milestone template.

You can then assign the milestone template to billing schedule items that use the milestone billing functionality.

Add Template

To add a milestone template, follow these steps: 

  1. Select New.
  2. specify a unique Milestone template identifier and a Description.
  3. Select the Allocation method.
  4. Optionally, specify the Total amount for the template.
  5. To add a line, select Add, and select the Item number.
    1. If Allocation method is Percentage of completion, specify the Allocation percentage for each line.
    2. If Allocation method is Percentage, specify the allocation Percentage.
      When you specify percentages, the sum Total percentage must be equal to 100.
    3. If Allocation method is Variable Amount, specify the Amount for each line.
    4. If Allocation method is Equal Amount, you do not need to specify an amount. The lines are automatically updated with the correct percentage and amount based on the number of items added to the template.
  6. Repeat the previous step for each line you add.
  7. Select Save.

Delete Template

To delete a milestone template, follow these steps: 

  1. Select one or more lines that you want to delete, and select Delete.
  2. When you are asked to confirm the action, select Yes.

Edit Template

To edit a milestone template, follow these steps: 

  1. On the left of the page, select the record that you want to edit.
  2. Make the necessary changes, and select Save.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Milestone template Specify a unique identifier for the milestone template.
Description Specify a description for the milestone template.
Allocation method

Select the allocation method: 

  • Percentage of completion: A cumulative completion value for each line.
  • Percentage: A percentage amount can be specified for the allocation. The sum of all percentages must equal 100.
  • Variable amount: An amount can be specified for the allocation. The allocation amount is specified at the transaction level.
  • Equal amount: The allocation percentages are automatically calculated and equally split among the items within the template.
Total amount Specify the milestone amount for the template.
Item number Select the item number for the milestone template.
Description Displays the description of the item. You can change the description if needed.

Specify the allocation percentage for the line:

  • When Allocation method is Percentage, specify the percentage.
  • When Allocation method is Equal amount, the percentage is automatically divided into equal percentages based on the number of items in the template.

The sum of all the percentages must equal to or less than 100%.

If the Total amount in the header is specified, changing the percentage updates the Amount for the line. The reverse is also true, changing the Amount updates the percentage.

Allocation percentage

Specify the percentage of completion for the line. Available when Allocation method is Percent of completion. The sum of all the percentages must equal to or less than 100%.


Specify the allocation amount for the line: 

  • When Allocation method is Variable amount, specify the amount for the line.
  • When Allocation method is Equal amount, the amount is automatically divided into equal amounts based on the number of items in the template and the Total amount specified in the header.

The sum of all the amounts must equal the Total amount specified in the header.

If the Total amount in the header is specified, changing the amount updates the Percentage for the line. The reverse is also true, changing the Percentage updates the amount.

Total percentage Displays the sum total of the percentage. The sum of all the percentages must equal to or less than 100%.
Total amount Displays the sum total of the Amount for all lines. This sum must equal to the Total amount specified in the header.
Remaining amount Displays the remaining amount, which is calculated as the Total amount from the header minus the sum total of the Amount for all lines.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Buttons Table
Button Description
Save Saves the record
New Adds a line where you can create a record.
Delete Deletes a record.