Deferrable Charges

Modules > Advanced revenue & expense deferrals > Setup > Deferral charges

Use this page to define which charges are deferrable by default.

Note icon. Note: Currently, deferrable charges are available for sales orders only: 

  • Charges can be deferred at the line level only. To defer a charge at the sales order header level, the charge can be set up as a deferrable item as a separate line in the sales order.
  • To defer a charge for a free text invoice, the charge must be entered as a separate deferrable invoice line.
  • This functionality is not available for support charges and revenue split (MERA) functionality.

Set Up Deferrable Charges

To set deferrable charges, follow these steps: 

  1. For each line added, do the following: 
    1. Select Add.
    2. Select the Charge Code, and the Charge relation.
  2. Select Save.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Sales order
Item code

Select how the item code for the charge is applied: 

  • Category: Applies to the sales category that is specified in the Category relation.
  • Group: Applies to the charge group that is specified in the Item relation.
  • Table: Applies to the single charge that is specified in the Item relation.
Item relation Depending on the value of the Item code, select the charge code or charge group.