Event Based Deferral Templates

Modules > Advanced revenue & expense deferrals > Setup > Event based deferral templates

Use this page to define event-based deferral templates for use in deferral transactions and to assign in theDeferral Defaults page. This page is available only when the event-based functionality is purchased and the license code is loaded.

Create Event-Based Template

To create an event-based deferral template, follow these steps:

  1. Select New.
  2. Specify a unique Template name and Description.
  3. Select the Allocation type.
  4. Select whether to Create separate events per unit.
  5. Select the Expiration account.
  6. To add a line, select Add to add the line to the top of the lines, or select Append to add a line to the bottom of the lines. For each line, do the following: 
    1. Specify a Description for the event.
    2. If Allocation type is Percentage, specify the Allocation percentage.
    3. Specify the Month to expiration.
    4. Select whether the revenue is automatically recognized when the transaction is posted.
    5. Select the Recognition account.
  7. Select Save.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Template Specify the name for the event-based template. Required.
Description Specify a description for the template.
Allocation type

Select how the amount is entered in the lines: 

  • Variable amounts: A specific allocation amount for each line is entered.
  • Equal amounts: The amount is allocated equally for each line.
  • Percentage: A amount is allocated based on the percentage value entered for each line.
  • Percentage of completion : A cumulative completion value for each line is entered.
  • Variable quantity:  A specific allocation quantity for each line is entered.
Create separate events per unit

Determines whether a separate event is created for each unit: 

  • Yes: Each event line is split evenly by the number of units on the invoice transaction. ClosedSee example.
  • No: The event lines are not split.

You can override this setting at the transaction level.

Expiration account

Select the recognition account that is used when the expiration date has past. Optional.

You can enter this account at the transaction level or after a deferral schedule is created.

Total percentage

Displays the total percentage of all lines. The total of the percentages must equal 100.

Available when Allocation type is Percentage.


Specify a description for the event.

Allocation percentage

Specify the allocation percentage. Available when Allocation type is Percentage. The percentage must be between zero (0) and 100. An empty percentage is considered zero. The sum of all percentages must equal 100.

Months to expiration

Specify the number of months to the expiration date.

The expiration date on the transaction deferral is automatically entered based on this value.

Recognize on post

Indicates whether the line is automatically recognized as soon as the transaction is posted: 

  • Yes: The line is recognized immediately after the transaction is posted.
  • No: The line is not recognized and must be manually recognized.
Recognition account

Select the recognition account for the event (if the account is different from the entire deferral schedule).

This functionality can be used in conjunction with the Recognize on post setting.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Buttons Table
Button Description
Add Adds a line above the currently selected line.
Append Adds a line to the bottom of the lines