Sales Order

Modules > Accounts receivable > Orders > All Sales orders > [edit or create a sales order]

Use this page to create sales orders.

For a full description and more information on this page, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations documentation .

All Sales Orders List

The following field boxes are available: 

Fields Description
Invoice processing ID Displays the invoice processing ID for sales orders that are created from the Invoice Creator in Subscription Billing.

Sales Order Header

The following field boxes are available: 

Fields Description
Invoice Processing ID
Invoice processing ID Displays the invoice processing ID for sales orders that are created from the Invoice Creator in Subscription Billing. Maximum of 20 characters. For open sales orders invoices, this value can be changed. After the invoice for the sales order has been created and posted, this value becomes read-only.

Sales Order Header Actions

The following actions are available: 

Action Description
Custom fields
Sales order > Custom fields > Custom fields

Opens dialog that shows all the custom fields for the header or line (depending on how the action was selected). The custom fields available are based on and in the order as set up on the Property Lease Management Parameters page.

For billing schedules, specify or edit the custom fields as needed. For sales orders, the custom fields are updated after they are created from billing schedules through the Invoice Creator. Values for the custom fields can be edited at any time for billing schedules or billing schedule lines that are not terminated or for open sales orders.

Invoice split
Sales order > Invoice Split > Invoice split

Opens dialog that shows all the invoice split fields coming from the billing schedule headerBilling Schedules . The values can be overwritten for splitting invoices. The interactions are similar to Invoice split window on schedule header.

See also

Invoice split process on Sales order

Line Details

The following field boxes are available: 

Fields Description
Billing schedule tab
Calculate unit price

Displays read-only values for the Contract price and Price frequency of the selected line. ClosedMore.

When a sales order is created from a billing schedule through the Subscription Billing Invoice Creator, these values are updated from the Calculate unit price dialog of the associated billing schedule line as follows: 

  • When consolidating by customer, the values are updated as they appear from the originating billing schedule line.
  • When consolidating by any other method, the values are not updated from the originating billing schedule line and appear as zero (0) values.
Billing period dates

Displays read-only values for the Billing period start date and Billing period end date of the selected line.

When a sales order is created from a billing schedule through the Subscription BillingInvoice Creator, these values default from the billing detail linesStart and End datefor that associated Billing schedule line as follows: 

  • When consolidating by any method, the first Billing Period Start Date used to consolidate will be populated in the Billing Start Date on the Sales order line. The items last Billing Period End Date used for the consolidation will be used to populate Sales order line’s Billing Period End Date.
  • For Termination with Credit Note the sales order Billing period dates will be populated with Termination Date as the Billing start date and the Billing End Date of the last billed line as the Billing end date.

  • Billing period dates will get populated similarly through Invoice creator batch processing.

Note icon. Note: Billing Start and End Dates from the Sales order do not flow over to Deferral Schedules.

Data entity for the Billing Period dates is not supported as the dates are populated through Invoice creator process.

Line Actions

The following actions are available: 

Action Description
Custom fields

Opens dialog that shows all the custom fields for the header or line (depending on how the action was selected). The custom fields available are based on and in the order as set up on the Property Lease Management Parameters page.

For billing schedules, specify or edit the custom fields as needed. For sales orders, the custom fields are updated after they are created from billing schedules through the Invoice Creator. Values for the custom fields can be edited at any time for billing schedules or billing schedule lines that are not terminated or for open sales orders.

The following field boxes are available: 

Fields Description
Invoice processing ID Displays the invoice processing ID for sales orders that are created from the Invoice Creator in Subscription Billing.

Sales Order Invoice Layout

For sales order invoices, and when you have turned on Enable additional fields in your ASM parameters, the customer balance and invoice period are displayed on the invoice. The customer balance is displayed underneath the total invoice amount. The invoice period is displayed underneath the invoice date.

Customer Balance

For the customer balance, depending on the existing balance of a customer who you are invoicing, the following fields appear on the invoice.

  • Outstanding balance: Appears if the customer has an outstanding balance and displays the outstanding balance of the customer before this invoice.

  • Credit balance: Appears if the customer has a credit balance and displays the credit balance before this invoice.

  • Total amount due: Displays the new balance owed by the customer, including outstanding or credit balance and the new invoice.

The balance is taken from the customer balance field which you can find in a customer page by selecting Balance on the Action tab. If you reprint an invoice with the balance displayed, the reprinted invoice displays the original balance when the invoice was first created, even if the balance has changed since the original invoice was created.

If the customer account has transactions in multiple currencies, the remaining balance displays the balance of the currency of the invoice.

Invoice Period

The invoice period only appears on the invoice if the sales order is based on a billing schedule and if the invoice date is before the start date entered in the billing schedule header.