Item Standalone Selling Price

Modules > Multiple element revenue allocation > Setup > Item standalone selling price

Use this page to set up the standalone selling price for specific items and groups.


Set up item standalone selling price: 

  1. Select the SSP origin.
  2. If the SSP origin is Amount, specify the Standalone selling price amount.
  3. If the SSP origin is Percent of item , specify the Percent value to calculate the standalone selling price.
  4. In the Lines, do the following: 
    1. Select Add to add a line.
    2. Select the Item Code.
    3. Select the Item relation.
    4. The values for SSP origin, Standalone selling price, and Percent are automatically updated based on the information from the header. You can change these values as needed.
  5. Select Save.

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This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
SSP origin

Select the default origin of the standalone selling price for new records: 

  • Amount: The standalone selling price is amount greater than zero (0) that you set. The amount is converted between the functional and originating currencies as needed.
  • Base sales price: The standalone selling price is the same value as the base sales price of the item.
  • Invoice price: The standalone selling price is the same value as the invoice price of the item.
  • Percent of item: The standalone selling price is set by a percentage value and is calculated based on the price of the item. When you select this option, specify the default percent.
Standalone selling price The default standalone selling price for new records. Available only when the SSP origin is Amount.
Percent The default percent for new records. Available only when the SSP origin is Percent of item.
Item code

Select the item code: 

  • Table: Indicates the standalone selling price for a single item.
  • Group: Indicates the standalone selling price for an item group.
Item relation Displays the item number or group number. Only a single line can exist for each Item code and Item relation combination.
SSP origin

Determines from where the standalone selling price comes for the item or group. You can override this value on the transaction.

For more information on possible values, see Multiple Element Revenue Allocation Parameters.

Standalone selling price Specify the standalone selling price . Available when the SSP origin is Manual.You can override this value on the transaction.
Percent Specify the percent. Available when the SSP origin is Percent.You can override this value on the transaction.

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This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description
Add Adds a record and sets the value from the default settings of this form.
Add items

Opens a query page that allows you to select multiple records. If a record already exists, it is not overwritten.

All new records have values based on the default settings of this form.


Opens a dialog that prompts you for a Microsoft Excel file name. The items on the Excel file are imported.

Note icon. Note: If an item already exists, it is overwritten with the values from the Excel file.

Remove Removes a record.

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See also
