Revenue Split Template

Modules > Multiple element revenue allocation > Setup > Revenue split template

Use this page to set up templates for the revenue split functionality that consists of a parent item with child items. This type of item is often sold as a single item to customers.

When creating the parent item, keep the following restrictions in mind: 

  • An item can be specified as a parent item only once.
  • The parent item can be selected as a child item within the same template.
  • A valid template requires one or more child items.
  • An item can be specified as a child item for more than one bundle item.
  • Each parent-child relation must be unique.


A computer item can be created as follows: 

  • Parent item: Subscription Silver
  • Line items
    • Support
    • Maintenance
    • License


Create a parent item with child items: 

  1. Select New.
  2. Select a Parent item.
    The Variant number is automatically updated, which can be change as needed.
  3. Select Allocation method.
  4. In the Components items list, select Add to add child items.
    1. If Allocation method is Percentage, specify the Percentage.
    2. If Allocation method is Equal amount, the Percentage automatically updates to equal percentages.
    3. If Allocation method is Variable amount, Zero parent amount, or Zero amount, the Percentage remains as zero and cannot be changed.
  5. Select Save.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Parent item

Select an item number.

This item becomes the parent item for the bundle item that you create.

Product name

Displays the product name.

Allocation method

Select the allocation method: 

  • Equal amount: The allocation percentages are automatically calculated and equally split among the items within the template.
  • Percentage: A percentage amount can be specified for the allocation. The sum of all percentages must equal 100.
  • Variable Amount: Child items are added with a zero (0) net amount. The price of the child items must be specified at the transaction level.
  • Zero amount: The parent item retains its unit price and net amount. All child items have a zero (0) net amount.
  • Zero parent amount: The parent item has a fixed zero (0) net amount. All child items are treated similar to standard items. Also, no validation is performed to verify that the sum of the child items equals the parent amount.
Component items
Component item

Select an item number.

This item is a child item.

Variant number

Select the variant number for the itme.

Variants are a standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations feature. For more information, see, Create predefined product variants in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations documentation.

Product name

Displays the product name.


Displays the allocation percentage for the milestone:

  • When Allocation Method is Percentage, you can specify the percentage.
  • When Allocation Method is Equal amount, the percentage is automatically calculated in to equal percentages based on the number of items in the template.
  • When Allocation Method is Variable amount, Zero parent amount, or Zero amount, the percentage is zero (0) and cannot be edited.

This value can be any positive number between zero and 100, but the total sum of all the percentages must equal 100%.

Total percentage

Displays the sum of the Percentage column.

  • When Allocation Method is Equal amount or Percentage, the sum of all the percentages must equal 100%.
  • When Allocation Method is Variable amount, Zero parent amount, or Zero amount, the total percentage is zero (0).


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Saves the record and any changes to the page.

New Allows you to create a new record.
Delete Deletes the current record. Deletes the selected record or line.
Component items list
Add Adds a line where you can add a child item to the parent item.
Remove Removes the selected child item from the parent item.