In this article
Fee Notes Generator
Module > Property lease management > Periodic tasks > Fee notes generator
Use this page to create fee notes for late payments for your leases or sales reports.
In the fee notes generator form, you can set parameters for leases or sales reports, such as leases with certain customers, for example. If the leases and sales reports that match your parameters have late payments, then a fee note is created and can also be posted.
The fee notes generator can be run as an on-going process or it can be run as part of a batch process.
Fee Note Rules and Limitations
Review these rules and limitations when you use the fee note generator form.
The due date for the sales reporting fee is the last day to report, plus one extra day.
The due date of the fee for charges is the invoice due date of the charge's billed period plus the grace days defined in the fee code.
For sales reporting, a sales reporting number must be linked to a charge on the lease to generate a late fee.
Stubbed periods in the billing lines are excluded from fee note calculation.
New fee notes are created if a billing period does not have any fee note applied. Otherwise, fee notes are only created once.
If you cancel a fee note, the related record's fee note reference is deleted. Those periods are reset and new fee notes can be generated if the parameters still correspond to the lease or sales report.
Consolidation operates according to the following rules:
You can consolidate multiple periods in one fee note.
To consolidate late fee invoices with two or more leases, the following fee note set up options on the lease header level must match on the multiple leases:
Apply fees
Use default customer profile
Posting profile
Include tax on fee calculation
Fee code
You cannot consolidate fees that have different origins, such as sales reporting and regular fee charges, for example.
You cannot consolidate fees that have different posting profiles.
Create Fee Notes
This process displays fee notes based on records of late payments or unreported amounts. If you don't have any records of late payments or unreported amounts, you will not see any fee notes.
To create a fee note or fee notes, do the following:
Go to Property lease management >Periodic tasks > Fee notes generator
Under Parameters, choose to turn on or off Post fee invoices and Consolidate.
Under Records to include, select Filter to specify the criteria for the leases or sales reports.
Under Run in the background, select the settings for running the process in the background.
To run the fee note generator process, select OK.
After you select OK, the Fee notes page opens where you can review the fee notes and then process them. For more information, see Review and Process Lease Fee Notes.
The following field boxes are available:
Field | Description |
Post fee invoices |
Select to automatically post the fee notes after they are created.
Consolidate |
Select to consolidate all fees in multiple sales reporting or billing periods into one fee note
Records to include | Select the types of records to include in the fee note generator's search. For example, you can filter for records based on the customer, lease number category, or sales reporting ID. |
Date | Select the date that you want the fee note to be invoiced. If left blank, today's date is used. |
Batch processing |
Select to run the fee note generator as part of a batch job.
Task description | Enter a description for the task. |
Batch group | If you select Batch processing, select the batch group to connect to the fee note generator process. |
Private |
Select to have the process set as private.
Critical job |
Select to mark the process as critical.
Monitoring category | Select the monitoring category for running the process. |
The following actions are available:
Action | Description |
OK | Generates the report based on the parameters that you set. |
Cancel | Closes the window. |