SBS ARCB Profit Margin Report

You can use this report to review the profit margin. You can print this report for all the contracts or restrict the report to certain contracts or certain customers.

Generate Report

To generate a report, follow these steps: 

  1. Specify the date range for the report.
  2. Specify the filters you want and select how you want to view the generated report: 
    • Select Preview & Close to view the report on your screen.
    • Select Print to select the destination for the report.

The report shows the following information: 

Revenue Amount Displays the billing amount in the month, invoiced or not invoiced.
Expense Amount Displays the total expense in the month.
Invoiced Amount Displays the total invoiced amount in the month.
Net Revenue Amount Displays the net revenue amount calculated as follows: Revenue Amount - Expense Amount in the month
Net Invoice Amount Displays the net invoice amount calculated as follows:  Invoiced - Expense Amount


This FastTab allows to you specify the date range for which you want to run the report.

Header Filters

The following default filters are readily available for the report. Add more filters as needed.

  • Billing schedule number
  • Sell-to customer number
  • Location code
  • End user number


This page contains the following buttons: 

Report Buttons Table
Button Description
Send to

Generates the report or preview and sends it to the destination that you select.

Print Generates the report and prints it to the Selected Printer.
Preview & Close

Generates the report or preview and displays it on your screen.


Cancels all changes and closes the page.