In this article

Export Data Entities

Workspaces > Data management > Export

Before you export the data entities, ensure that you have the latest information in case fields have been added or removed. Go to Workspaces > Data management > Framework parameters > Entity settings and select Refresh entity list. Refreshing the data entities takes a few moments.

After the data entities are updated, export the data entity using these steps: 

  1. Select Workspaces > Data management > Export.
  2. For the new record, in the Export FastTab specify the Group name.
  3. In the Selected entities FastTab, select Add Entity.
  4. In the dialog that appears use the use the following settings: 
    1. Select the Entity name. The data entities for Subscription Billing start with SB.
    2. Set Target data format to CSV (or a different format, such as XML-Attribute).
    3. Set Skip staging to No.
    4. Set Select fields to Importable fields.
    5. Select Add.
  5. Select Export. Exporting the data entities takes a few moments.
  6. After the export is completed, go to the Entity processing status FastTab and check the Status for the project.
  7. If the Status is Succeeded, select Download file.

You can then use the downloaded file as the template for importing data by deleting any unnecessary rows and replacing them with your own data.

To view any export errors, select View execution log. Sometimes this log does not show detailed information for the errors. If you cannot see the detailed information, select View staging data, to see the actual error.