Mass Hold Processing

Modules > Advanced Recurring Contract Billing > Periodic tasks > Mass hold processing

Use this page to apply hold options to several billing schedules simultaneously.

Tip: If you want to put a hold on only one billing schedule or a single line within a billing schedule, use the Place Hold page. To remove a hold, use the Remove Hold page.

Put Hold on Schedules

To put a hold on several billing schedules, follow these steps: 

  1. Set Process option to Apply hold.
  2. Select the Reason code.
  3. To have a partial credit given to the customers, set Adjust schedule to Yes, and specify the Hold date.
    When Adjust schedule is st to No, no credit is created.
  4. Choose Select and add data filters so that only the range of records that you want appears in the list.
  5. From the lines list, select the lines that you do not want to process, and select Remove.
  6. Select OK.

When you return to the list of billing schedules, you can see that the status of the billing schedules has change to On hold.

Remove a hold from several billing schedules: 

  1. Set Process option to Remove hold.
  2. Select the Remove date.
  3. If needed, select the Resume date and the Deferral date.
  4. If you want to add other filters, choose Select, enter more criteria, and select OK.
  5. In the line grid section, select any lines that you want to create a sales order, and select Remove.
  6. Select OK.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Process option

Select to Apply hold or Remove hold.

Note icon. Note: If a Remove hold password is set up on the Advanced Recurring Contract Billing Parameters page, ensure that you know the password before you process the hold removal.

Adjust schedule

Select to create an adjustment for the billing schedule : 

  • Yes: For each item, if the hold date is between the billing start date and the billing end date of the line, a negative line is created in the billing schedule to review the billing for the hold period.
  • For example, the period February 01, 2012 – February 29, 2012, is billed for 200.00. The Hold date is February 10, 2012, which means the February period is adjusted to exclude any date after February 10, inclusive. The new period is February 01, 2012 - February 09, 2012, with an amount of 62.07.

  • No: No adjustment is created. Default.

Any billing lines after the adjustment period are removed.

Available when Process Option is Apply Hold.

Hold date

Specify the date on which the hold is applied. Available and required when Adjust schedule is Yes.

Reason code

Select the reason code to indicate the reason for placing a hold on the billing schedule.

Reason description

Displays the description of the selected reason code. Read-only.

Remove date

Specify the date on which to remove the hold.

Available when Process Option is Remove Hold.
Resume date

Specify the date on which to resume the billing schedule.

Available when Process Option is Remove Hold.
Deferral date

Specify the deferral date. The deferral date is added to all lines that are deferrable. The default value is the same as the Resume date.

Available when Process Option is Remove Hold.

Specify the password for changing the status from On hold to Active.

The password is set on the Advanced Recurring Contract Billing Parameters page.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Opens the query dialog where you add more filters to retrieve only the records that you want to process.

Remove (Line Grid) Removes the selected rows.

Puts a hold or removes the hold on all records in the line grid or processes the records in the queue in the batch.

This button is not available when any of the lines in the line grid are selected.

After a hold is applied to the records, the following occurs: 

  • Updates the hold date on the billing schedule line
  • Updates the schedule line status to On hold

After a hold is removed from the records, the following occurs: 

  • Updates the remove, resume, and deferral dates
  • Updates the schedule to status to Active

Cancels the process, and closes the page.


Opens the page for batch processing.

Batch processing is a standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations feature. For more information, see Batch processing overview.