Mass Stubbing Process

Modules > Advanced Recurring Contract Billing > Periodic tasks > Mass stubbing process

Use this page to mark all selected billing schedule lines as billed (stub) or unbilled (reverse stub). Stubbing or reverse stubbing is most commonly performed on imported billing schedule lines.

Stub Records

To stub records in the grid, follow these steps: 

  1. In Process Option, select Stub.
  2. Specify the Cutoff date, which displays the lines to which you want apply the process.
  3. From the lines list, select the lines that you do not want to process, and select Remove.
  4. Select OK.

Reverse Stub Records

To reverse stub records in the grid, follow these steps: 

  1. In Process Option, select Reverse stub.
  2. Specify the Cutoff date, which displays the lines to which you want apply the process.
  3. From the lines list, select the lines that you do not want to process, and select Remove.
  4. Select OK.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Process option

Select the process you want to perform: 

  • Stub: Stubs the selected billing schedule lines.
  • Reverse stub: Reverses the stubs for the selected billing schedule lines.
Cutoff date

Specify the cutoff date.

Only records that have a billing start date that is earlier than or the same as the cutoff date specified appear in the line grid.

Line Grid
Schedule number Displays the billing schedule number. Read-only.
Description Displays a description of the billing schedule. Read-only.
Customer account Displays the customer account ID or number. Read-only.
Customer name Displays the customer name. Read-only.
End user account Displays the end user account ID or number. Read-only.
End user name Displays the end user name. Read-only.
Item number Displays the item number for the line. Read-only.
Product name Displays the product name. Read-only.
Billing start date Displays the billing start date.
Billing End date Displays the billing end date.
Item type Displays the item type. Read-only.
Unit Displays the unit for the item. Read-only.
Billable quantity Displays the billable quantity of items. Read-only.
Unit price Displays the unit price for the item. Read-only.
Discount Displays the discount amount. Read-only.
Net amount Displays the net amount, which is a calculated value. Read-only.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Opens the query dialog where you add more filters to retrieve only the records that you want to process.

Remove (Line Grid) Removes the selected rows.

Stubs or reverse stubs all the records in the grid.

This button is not available when any of the lines in the line grid are selected.

After the stub process is completed, the following occurs: 

  • Updates the billing schedule line as billed and adds Stubbed to the comment for each line

After the reverse stub process is completed, the following occurs: 

  • Updates the billing schedule line as unbilled and removes Stubbed from the comment for each line

Cancels the process, and closes the page.


Opens the page for batch processing.

Batch processing is a standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations feature. For more information, see Batch processing overview.