Batch Job Alerts

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Monthly recurring revenue report > Alerts

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Upcoming renewal report > Alerts

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Total contract report > Alerts

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > New contract sales report > Alerts

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Termination report > Alerts

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Total contract revenue report > Alerts

Use this page to set alerts for batch jobs.

Set Alerts for Batch

To set alerts for a batch job, follow these steps: 

  1. For any report specify the settings for the Parameters, Destination, and Records to include.
  2. In Run in the background, select Alerts.
  3. Specify when you want to receive an alert, and whether you want the alert to pop up on the screen.
  4. Select OK.
  5. When you return to the main reporting page, select OK.


The following field boxes are available: 

Alerts Table
Field Description

Specify whether an alert is sent when a batch job is finished:

  • Yes: Sends an alert when a batch job is finished.
  • No: No alert is sent when a batch job is finished.

Specify whether an alert is sent when a batch job encounters an error: 

  • Yes: Sends an alert when a batch job encounters an error.
  • No: No alert is sent when a batch job encounters an error.

Specify whether to send an alert when a batch job is canceled: 

  • Yes: Sends an alert when a batch job is canceled.
  • No: No alert is sent when a batch job is canceled.
Show pop-ups

Specify whether to show the alert as a pop-up dialog:

  • Yes: The alert appears as a pop-up dialog.
  • No: The alert does not appear as a pop-up dialog.


This following buttons are available: 

Buttons Table
Button Description

Saves any changes, and closes the page.


Cancels all changes and closes the page.