Default financial dimensions : Examples

Review the following examples to better understand how the default financial dimensions defined on GL Main Account supersede other financial dimensions.

A billing schedule with Monthly frequency, start date = 01/01/2022 end date = 12/31/2022, item used is deferred by default. The deferral schedule uses a 12 months template. The item has the following dimensions as combination of customer and item displayed under Line details -> Account.

  • BusinessUnit = 002
  • CostCenter = 012
  • Department = 026
  • ItemGroup = TV&Video
  • Project = 000006

Scenario 1: Fixed value

Account : Sales order revenue BusinessUnit CostCenter Department ItemGroup Project
004 011 033 Audio 000004
Account : Deferral account BusinessUnit CostCenter Department ItemGroup Project
001 073 028 PCS 000013

Invoice the first period and verify the financial dimension on the Voucher

  • Sales order revenue = Acct# -004-011-033-Audio-000004 ( the dimensions are coming from the GL Main account's dimension)

  • Other accounts = Acct#-002-012-026-TV&Video-000006 ( all the other accounts will have the dimensions from customer and item)

Verify the deferral schedule for financial dimension

  • Deferral account = Acct# -001-073-028-PCS-000013 ( the dimensions are coming from the GL Main account's dimension)

  • Other accounts = Acct#-002-012-026-TV&Video-000006 ( all the other accounts will have the dimensions from customer and item)

Scenario 2: Not Fixed

Account : Sales order revenue BusinessUnit CostCenter Department ItemGroup Project
004 011 033 Audio 000004
Account : Deferral account BusinessUnit CostCenter Department ItemGroup Project
001 073 028 PCS 000013

Invoice the first period and verify the financial dimension on the Voucher

  • Acct#-002-012-026-TV&Video-000006 ( all the accounts will have the dimensions from customer and item as GL Main account dimensions are not fixed)

Verify the deferral schedule for financial dimension

  • Acct#-002-012-026-TV&Video-000006 ( all the other accounts will have the dimensions from customer and item as GL Main account dimensions are not fixed)

Note icon. Note: Similarly for Unbilled revenue and Short term deferral based on what accounts are used if they have the financial dimension defined on the Main account those values will supersede other dimensions as explained in above examples.