In this article

Prod. Order Components

Use this page for the calculation of material requirements of a production order. Components are items that are required to produce end items. You can update the components required for the selected line on a Production Order page. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

This page can be access from any of the Production Order pages:

Items can be added to this page based on the item and location security settings on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page. Also, if a finished item belongs to an entity to which you do not have access, you can access to all component items for the finished item regardless of the entity of the component item. The item and location security are bypassed for component items to ensure that when reviewing and editing component items for a finished item, none of the component items are hidden.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Entity Code Displays the entity code for the line.
Global Dimension Code Displays an additional global dimension for the line.
Location Code

Select the location code for the line.

This value is required only when Inventory Posting is Entity from Location on the Multi-Entity Management Setup.