Multi-Entity Management Setup

Use this page to set up the options for using Multi-Entity Management.

Tip: As a best practice, set up the global dimensions and complete the MEM Assisted Setup before you use this window to set up Multi-Entity Management.

Note icon. Note: You might require permission to access the setup pages and perform setup tasks. For assistance, contact your system administrator.


Turn Off Multi-Entity Management

When Multi-Entity Management is installed to Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, it is installed and automatically turned on for all companies in your environment.

If you do not want to use Multi-Entity Management for a company, follow these steps: 

  1. In My Settings, select the Company you want and select OK.
  2. Open the Multi-Entity Management Setup page.
  3. Turn on the Disable Multi-Entity Management option.

When Multi-Entity Management is not used, the entity security features for the records are not used, and all records and transactions actions are available to all users based on the security permissions of standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Set Up the Entity Dimension

Before you can select a global dimension as the entity dimension, at least one global dimension must already be set up on the Dimensions page.

For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

To set the entity dimension, follow these steps:

  1. After the global dimensions are setup, open the Multi-Entity Management Setuppage.
  2. On Entity Dimension, select the global dimension to use as the entity dimension in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
    The entity dimension selected in this page becomes the Entity Code that appears on all pages.
  3. Close the page.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Disable Multi-Entity Management

Use this option to stop using Multi-Entity Management (MEM) in the current company (database).

  • On: Multi-Entity Management is not used for the current company (database).
  • OffMulti-Entity Management is used for the current company (database).
Entity Dimension

Select the entity dimension: 

  • Global Dimension 1 Code
  • Global Dimension 2 Code

The global entities should already have been setup on the Dimensions page. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

Entity Label

Displays the label to replace the field label Entity Code in many MEM pages and reports. This value is updated when you select the Entity Dimension. Read-only.

To change the entity label, you must change the global dimension on the Dimensions page.

Note icon. Note: The word "entity" is used throughout the documentation for all field labels and references for the global dimension. Because every organization is unique, Binary Stream is not able to predict the language that your organization uses for the word "entity".

Use Default Entity

Select whether or not the records and data displayed on the Role Center page are filtered by the default entity or by all entities available to the user.

  • On: Role Center data is filtered by the default entity. Only records which are connected to the default entity are visible on the Role Center page, if users have access to that entity. You must select the default entity to use in My Settings.
  • Off: Role Center data is filtered according to the entities which users have access to. Records which are connected to any entities users have access to will be visible on the Role Center page. For more information about assigning access to entities see: MEM User Security Setup.

This field is turned off and hidden by default but you can add it to the page manually. For more information about accessing hidden fields, see Work with fields and columns.


Limitations of Role centre Filtering currently not supported by MEM

The following cues are not currently supported by MEM role center filtering and will not have their values filtered based on MEM entity.


  1. ROLE: Shipping and Receiving- Warehouse Management System

    • Released Sales Orders - Today
    • Shipments - Today
    • Picked Shipments - Today
    • Posted Shipments - Today
    • Expected Purchase Orders
    • Arrivals
    • Posted Receipts - Today
    • Picks - All
    • Unassigned Picks
    • Put-aways - All
    • Unassigned Put-aways
    • Movements - All
    • Unassigned Movements
    • Registered Picks - Today

  3. ROLE: Warehouse Worker- Warehouse Management System

    • Unassigned Picks
    • My Picks
    • Unassigned Put-aways
    • My Put-aways
    • Unassigned Movements
    • My Movements

  5. ROLE: Inventory Manager

    • Released Sales order - Until Today
    • Posted Sales Shipment - Today
    • Excepted Purchase Order - Until Today
    • Posted Purchase receipt- Today
    • Inventory Picks- Today
    • Inventory Put-Away- Until Today
    • Open Phys. Invt. Orders
    • Releases Sales order- Today
    • Shipment Today
    • Picked Shipment Today
    • Posted Shipment -Today
    • Expected Purchase Orders
    • Arrivals
    • Posted Receipt- Today
    • Picks-All
    • Unassigned Pick Put Aways -All
    • Unassigned Put-aways
    • Movements-ALL
    • Unassigned Movements
    • Registered Picks- Today


Disable Elimination Entity Check

Select whether or not you can use an Elimination Entity to post transactions using any type of page.

  • On: You can use the elimination entity with all types of pages.
  • Off: You can only use the elimination entity when using Elimination Journals. An error will appear if you use the elimination entity on a page aside from the Elimination Journals page.

This field is turned off and hidden by default but you can add it to the page manually. For more information about accessing hidden fields, see Work with fields and columns.


Limitations of Role centre Filtering currently not supported by MEM

The following cues are not currently supported by MEM role center filtering and will not have their values filtered based on MEM entity.


  1. ROLE: Shipping and Receiving- Warehouse Management System

    • Released Sales Orders - Today
    • Shipments - Today
    • Picked Shipments - Today
    • Posted Shipments - Today
    • Expected Purchase Orders
    • Arrivals
    • Posted Receipts - Today
    • Picks - All
    • Unassigned Picks
    • Put-aways - All
    • Unassigned Put-aways
    • Movements - All
    • Unassigned Movements
    • Registered Picks - Today

  3. ROLE: Warehouse Worker- Warehouse Management System

    • Unassigned Picks
    • My Picks
    • Unassigned Put-aways
    • My Put-aways
    • Unassigned Movements
    • My Movements

  5. ROLE: Inventory Manager

    • Released Sales order - Until Today
    • Posted Sales Shipment - Today
    • Excepted Purchase Order - Until Today
    • Posted Purchase receipt- Today
    • Inventory Picks- Today
    • Inventory Put-Away- Until Today
    • Open Phys. Invt. Orders
    • Releases Sales order- Today
    • Shipment Today
    • Picked Shipment Today
    • Posted Shipment -Today
    • Expected Purchase Orders
    • Arrivals
    • Posted Receipt- Today
    • Picks-All
    • Unassigned Pick Put Aways -All
    • Unassigned Put-aways
    • Movements-ALL
    • Unassigned Movements
    • Registered Picks- Today


Intercompany Suite

For more information about Intercompany Suite reporting, see Intercompany Suite: Overview.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Enable Intercompany Suite

Select whether to use the Intercompany Suite functionality: On or Off. For more information about the Intercompany Suite functionality, see Intercompany Suite: Overview.

Disable Auto Synchronization

Select whether to disable Intercompany Suite auto synchronization: On or Off. For more information about the Intercompany Suite functionality, see Intercompany Suite: Overview.


User-entity access are relationships between users and entities that are created for data access. Relationships between master file records and entities are also created for data access. As a result, users can access data only when the users and the records have relationships with the same entity or entities.

User-entity access relationships are set up on the MEM User Security Setup page. Relationships between master file records and entities are set up on MEM Master Security page.

If you do not set any security options, then all Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central users are able to see all records (e.g., vendor, customer, item, transactions) in the entire database.

The following pages are all used for setting up MEM security:

Set Up Security Restrictions

To set up MEM security restrictions by entity on data, follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Multi-Entity Management Setup page.
  2. In the Security FastTab, turn on the security option for the data you want to restrict user access.
  3. Close the page.

After you select the data where you want to apply MEM security, complete the MEM User Security Setup and MEM Master Security pages to set up the entity relationships.

If you choose to use the number security feature, be sure to specify the number series that you want to use on the MEM Entity Setup page.

For more information, see Security Workflow.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Bank Account Security

Select to restrict user access to accounts by entity. Users can select accounts only when the accounts belongs to an entity that the user has permission to access.

After you select this option, you can set up the entity relationships with the master file records on the MEM Master Security page.

Customer Security

Select to restrict user access to customers by entity. Users can select customers only when the customer belongs to an entity that the user has permission to access.

After you select this option, you can set up the entity relationships with the master file records on the MEM Master Security page.

Item Security

Select to restrict user access to items by entity. Users can select items only when the item belongs to an entity that the user has permission to access.

After you select this option, you can set up the entity relationships with the master file records on the MEM Master Security page.

Location Security

Select to restrict user access to location by entity. Users can select location only when the location belongs to an entity that the user has permission to access. For example, in the POP and SOP modules, a user can only access and use the location information from entities that they are allowed to access when receiving, depleting inventory for orders in SOP, ordering goods in POP, and so on.

After you select this option, you can set up the entity relationships with the master file records on the MEM Master Security page.

Vendor Security

Select to restrict user access to vendors by entity. Users can select vendors only when the vendors belongs to an entity that the user has permission to access.

After you select this option, you can set up the entity relationships with the master file records on the MEM Master Security page.

Fixed Asset Security

Select to restrict user access to fixed asset records by entity. Users can select fixed asset records only when the fixed asset records belong to entities that the user has permission to access.

After you select this option, you can set up the entity relationships with the master file records on the MEM Master Security page.

No. Series Security

Select to automatically assign a number series for transactions based on entity.

Currently, this feature is only available for sales and purchase transactions. When you use the number series, you must also specify which number series to use for the different transaction types on the MEM Entity Setup.

Number series is a standard feature in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

Project Security Select to restrict user access to projects by entity. Users can select project records only when the projects records belong to entities that the user has permission to access.
Resource Security Select to restrict user access to resources by entity. Users can select resources only when the resources belong to entities that the user has permission to access.
Resource Owner Mandatory Select to display an error message if a user posting with the Resource without assigning an owner entity. This option is disabled by default.
Service Item Security Select to restrict user access to service items by entity. Users can select service items only when they belong to entities that the user has permission to access.
Work Center Security Select to restrict user access to work centers by entity. Users can select work centers only when they belong to entities that the user has permission to access.
Payment Method Security

Select to restrict user access to payment methods by entity. Users can select payment methods only when they belong to entities that the user has permission to access.

Note icon. Note: Payment method security is only available for pages and reports that are part of Microsoft Dynamics 365.

Restrict General Ledger Entries Select to restrict user access to the General Ledger Entries page, by entity. Users can view G/L Entries on the page only when they belong to entities that the user has permission to access.
Edit Multiple Journal Lines in Excel

Select to include records from all header entities which you have access to when using the Edit in Excel action with journal batches. When Edit Multiple Journal Lines in Excel is turned off, only records assigned to the currently selected batch header entity are included with the Edit in Excel action.


The intercompany and Intercompany Suite functionality in Multi-Entity Management extends the standard intercompany functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. For more information about the standard intercompany functionality in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, see the Microsoft documentation: Managing Intercompany Transactions.

Automatic Intercompany Distributions

If you use intercompany distributions between different entities in a company database, you can use a setting on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page such that intercompany distributions are automatically processed. When you turn on the automatic intercompany distributions, MEM detects an intercompany transaction from distributions. When a transaction is detected, MEM gets the intercompany distribution accounts that are set up and adds the Due To and Due From accounts to the distribution.

Also on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page, you can choose not to post a transaction if the Due To and Due From accounts are not set up. When this option is selected, MEM adds empty distribution lines to the transaction. These empty distribution lines prevent the transaction from being posted.

Turn On Automated Intercompany

To turn on automated intercompany distributions, follow these steps: 

  1. Open the Multi-Entity Management Setup page.
  2. In the Intercompany section, leave the Disable Intercompany option turned off.
  3. To prevent a distribution from posting, turn on Enable Stop Posting w/o Intercompany Accounts.
    As a best practice, turn this option on.
  4. Close the page.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Disable Intercompany

Select whether to turn off the intercompany functionality.

  • On: When selected (intercompany is not used), Due to and Due from entries are not automatically created.
  • Off: When not selected (intercompany is used), the Due to and Due from entries are automatically created for transactions that involve multiple entities.
Enable Stop Posting

Select to prevent transactions from posting when the Due To and Due From accounts have not been set up. When this option is cleared, the transactions are posted without the Due To and Due From accounts.

As a best practice, turn this option on.

Journals - Copy Non-Entity Dimension to Originating and Destination Intercompany

Indicates whether to use the non-entity dimension values from the journal line to each of its intercompany entries. Applicable only on journals posting.

  • On: Uses the non-entity dimension values from the journal line to each of its intercompany entries.
  • Off: Uses non-entity dimension values from the header and line to the corresponding intercompany entries.


For more information about 1099 reporting, see 1099 Reporting.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
1099 Report
Print by Paying Entity

Indicates under which entity (invoice or payment) the reportable amount appears for 1099 reports .

  • On: Calculates and adjusts the total reportable amount for each payment entity, and prints the reportable amount under the payment entity.
  • Off: Calculates and adjusts the total reportable amount for each invoice entity, and prints the reportable amount under the invoice header entity.

For a list of reports affected by this option, see MEM 1099 Reports.

1099 Reporting Sort By

Determines how the data in the 1099 dividend, interest, and miscellaneous reports are organized: 

  • Sort by Entity/Vendor: Data is sorted by the entity and then by the vendor.
  • Sort By Entity/State: Data is sorted by the entity and then by the state.
  • Sort By State/Entity: Data is sorted by the state and then by the entity.

For a list of reports affected by this option, see MEM 1099 Reports.

Disable Report Selection by Entity

Disable Report Selection by Entity is a hidden field which is turned off by default. For more information about accessing hidden fields, see Work with fields and columns.

When it is turned off, you can assign reports and report layouts based on entities. For example, for entity 100, you can assign specific Sales Order and Sales Quote reports and layouts when processing those transactions which involve entity 100.

For more information about using report selection by entity, see: MEM Report Selection by Entity.

  • On: You cannot assign reports and report layouts based on entities.
  • Off: You can assign reports and report layouts based on entities.


The Tax FastTab is only available for users in the EU and AU/NZ regions.

Assign Tax Amounts to Header Entity

When you use the Assign to Transaction Header Entity action, and when you are processing a transaction which has different entities on the header and line levels, then the VAT entries and any other entries which are connected to the taxes of the transaction are assigned to the header entity.

Turn on Assign to Transaction Header Entity to assign tax amounts to your transaction header entity. When you have Assign to Transaction Header Entityturned on it applies to the following types of journals:

And also to all Purchase transactions (purchase orders, purchase credit memos, for example) and Sales transactions (sales orders, sales credit memos, for example.)


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Assign to Transaction Header Entity

Select whether the tax amounts for transactions are assigned to the entity of the transaction header.

  • On: Tax amounts for a transaction are assigned to the entity of the transaction header.
  • Off: Tax amounts for a transaction are assigned to the entity of the transaction.
Assign to Reporting Entity

Select whether the tax amounts on reports appear under a reporting entity.

  • On: Reported tax amounts appear under the reporting entity.

    When this option is turned on, ensure to set up the MEM Tax Reporting Entity Setup page

  • Off: Reported tax amounts appear under the transaction entity.


Bank Deposits

Do Not Split Bank Deposit Ledger Entries: This switch setting determines whether customer ledger entry will be split for each invoice or payment.

On: Create a customer ledger entry for each customer payment. This option works only for the customer and bank deposit as a lump sum.

Off: Create a customer ledger entry only for each invoice that payment applies to.


Note: Post as Lump Sum only works when the Bank Deposit Line contains more than one line.

Do Not Split bank Deposit Payment Ledger Entries


Purchase & Payables

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description

Select whether decentralized processing is used by default:

  • On: Automatically turn on the Decentralize option.
    With this option turned on, payment or purchase credit memos can be applied to multiple invoices from the same entities.
  • Off: Leaves the Decentralize option turned off.
    With this option turned off, payment or purchase credit memos can be applied to multiple invoices from different entities.

This option is available on various pages throughout Multi-Entity Management.


  • Before changing this setting, ensure that all open transactions are posted. Changing the setting of this option affects new transactions only.
AP Replicator Post Through

Indicates whether invoices that are created with the AP replicator process are automatically posted.

  • On: Invoices created with the AP replicator process are automatically posted.
  • Off: Invoices created with the AP replicator process are not posted. You must manually post these invoices at a later time.
Posting Discount to Transaction Entity

Indicates to which entity the discount distribution is recorded.

  • When this option is turned off, the discount distribution is recorded to the entity of the purchase transaction line.
  • When this option is turned on, the discount distribution is recorded to the entity of the purchase transaction header.
Entity Fields on Electronic Payments

Indicates whether to use the field values from MEM Entity Setup, instead of from Company Information, for electronic payments:

  • Legal Name
  • Billing Address
  • Billing Address2
  • Billing City
  • Billing Country
  • Billing Zip Code
  • Billing State
  • Image
  • Federal ID No.
Centralized/Decentralized AP on the Fly

Select to be able to choose whether you want to use the decentralized or centralized methods when you process vendor transactions.

  • On: When processing vendor transactions, such as vendor ledgers or bank deposits, you can select whether or not to use a centralized or decentralized processing method.
  • Off: You are not able to choose between the centralized or decentralized methods when processing transactions. Depending on if you have Decentralized turned on or off, whichever processing method you have selected applies for all purchase and payables transactions.

For more information see Using Centralized/Decentralized Processing on the Fly.

Do Not Split Vendor Ledger Entries

Select to not split vendor ledger entries when processing vendor transactions. Turning on this option causes vendor transaction processing to behave according to standard Business Central processing.

Do Not Split Vendor Ledger Entries is only available to use if you are using the Decentralized payment processing method and have turned on at least one of Decentralized or Centralized/Decentralized AP on the Fly.

  • On: Vendor ledger entries are not split.
  • Off: Vendor ledger entries are split based on the invoice applications when a vendor transaction is processed.
Prompt Selection for Print All Checks

Select the default prompt setting when you use the Print all Checks action on the Payment Journal page. You can select a specific default prompt setting to save time when using the Print all Checks action.

  • Use Prompt: A dialog will pop up when you select the Print all Checks action. You can choose between using the default Business Central check report or using report layouts set up in MEM Report Selection by Entity.
  • Use Default Business Central Prompt: The default Business Central check report will automatically be used. The default report is determined in the Report Selection Bank Account page.
  • Use By Entity Report: The report that you set up in the MEM Report Selection by Entity will automatically be used.

Sales & Receivables

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description

Select whether decentralized processing is used by default:

  • On: Automatically turns on the Decentralize option.
    With this option turned on, cash receipt or sales credit memos can be applied to multiple invoices from the same entities.
  • Off: Leaves the Decentralize option turned off.
    With this option turned off, cash receipt or sales credit memos can be applied to multiple invoices from different entities.


  • Before changing this setting, ensure that all open transactions are posted. Changing the setting of this option affects new transactions only.
Posting Discount to Transaction Entity

Indicates to which entity the discount distribution is recorded.

  • When this option is turned off, the discount distribution is recorded to the entity of the sales transaction line.
  • When this option is turned on, the discount distribution is recorded to the entity of the sales transaction header.
Centralized/Decentralized AR on the Fly

Select to be able to choose whether you want to use the decentralized or centralized methods when you process customer transactions.

  • On: When processing customer transactions, such as cash receipts, you can select whether or not to use a centralized or decentralized processing method.
  • Off: You are not able to choose between the centralized or decentralized methods when processing transactions. Depending on if you have Decentralized turned on or off, whichever processing method you have selected applies for all sales and receivables transactions.

For more information see Using Centralized/Decentralized Processing on the Fly.

Do Not Split Customer Ledger Entries

Select to not split customer ledger entries when processing customer transactions. Turning on this option causes customer transaction processing to behave according to standard Business Central processing.

Do Not Split Customer Ledger Entries is only available to use if you are using the Decentralized payment processing method and have turned on at least one of Decentralized or Centralized/Decentralized AR on the Fly.

  • On: Customer ledger entries are not split.
  • Off: Customer ledger entries are split based on the invoice applications when a customer transaction is processed.

Service Management

This FastTab contains the following fields:

Field Description
Disable Item Security on Service Item Worksheet

Indicates whether to turn off the item security on the Service Item Worksheet and the Service Line pages when both Item Security and Service Item Security are turned on, on the Security FastTab.

Inventory Posting

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Inventory Posting

Determines whether the entity for the inventory account for a transaction is from the location or the item. This setting is used on the Inventory Entity Code option on the MEM Calculate Plan - Req. Wksh.

  • Entity From Location: The entity of the location for a line is applied to the inventory account for transactions. When this option is selected, the location is required for a transaction line. ClosedView example.
  • For example, a sales invoice is created. The header entity is ADM, the line entity is PROD, and for the line, the location code is WEST and that location belongs to the entity SALES.

    When previewing or posting the transaction, the distribution is as follows: 

    In the first line, you can see the entity code (Department code) for the inventory account is SALES, which is from the location.

    Because the entity of the inventory account (SALES) is different from the header of the transaction (ADM), intercompany distributions are applied. The second and third lines are the intercompany distributions.

  • Entity From Item: The entity of the item for a line is applied to the inventory account for transactions. When this option is selected, the location for a transaction line is not required. Closed View example.
  • For example, a purchase invoice is created. The header entity is ADM, the line entity is PROD, and for the line, the item 1896-S belongs to entity SALES.

    When previewing or posting the transaction, the distribution is as follows: 

    In the first line, you can see the entity code (Department code) for the inventory account is SALES, which is from the item.

    Because the entity of the inventory account (SALES) is different from the header of the transaction (ADM), intercompany distributions are applied. The third and fourth lines are the intercompany distributions.

    When Entity from Item is selected, inventory transactions are processed similar to the purchase and sales transactions with the following differences: 

    • For item reclassification, when transferring an item from one location to another, the entity of the item is used in the transaction. Intercompany distributions do not apply.
    • For an item journal, the entity of the item is used for all distribution lines.
    • Specifying the location is optional.

Additional Intercompany Dimensions

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
IC Dimension 1, 2, 3 Code

Select other dimensions that you want to use the intercompany functionality. You can select up to three other dimensions.

Note icon. Note: The order in which you select the additional dimensions determines the priority order when the intercompany distributions are processed.

After you select the additional dimensions, complete the MEM Additional Intercompany Setup to ensure that the intercompany distributions that you want work as expected.

Enable Additional IC Restriction

Indicates whether to restrict the use of additional intercompany dimension values in the header of a journal. This option is available for use when at least one additional intercompany dimension is used.

  • On: The additional intercompany dimension values are required in the header dimension for journals. Journals missing the additional intercompany dimension values in the header cannot be posted.
  • Off: The additional intercompany dimension values are optional in the header dimension for journals. Journals can be posted regardless of whether additional intercompany dimension values in the header have values entered.

Licensed User

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
User Mandatory Error

Indicates whether an error message for users who are not assigned a Multi-Entity Management license appears: 

  • On: A error message appears. This error message indicates that when Multi-Entity Management is used, the user must be a registered Multi-Entity Management user to use both Multi-Entity Management and Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality.
    To register a user, see Set Up a Licensed User.
  • Off: An error message does not appear. The user can still use all Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality and Multi-Entity Management functionality is not applied.
    Note icon. Note: When MEM functionality is not applied, distribution errors might occur.

Workflow & Approval Process

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Decentralize Process

Indicates whether decentralized processing is used by default: 

  • On: Transactions use decentralized processing.
    When this option is turned on, all transactions must be approved by the user specified in the Approver ID field box on the MEM Entity Setuppage for the entity of each transaction.
  • Off: Transactions use centralized processing. Default.
    When this option is turned off, all transactions must be approved by the user specified in the Approver ID field box on the standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Approval User Setuppage.

Users who are allowed to approve the transactions must also have access to the entity of the transaction on the MEM Entity Setuppage.

Inter-company Trade

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Trigger for automatic creation of Corresponding Inter-company Trade document

Indicates whether the corresponding inter-company trade transaction is created.

  • Release: When a transaction with an inter-company customer is created, the corresponding inter-company trade transaction is created.
    • For example, when a Sales Order with an inter-company customer is created, the corresponding purchase order is automatically created.
    • For example, when a Purchase Order with an inter-company customer is created, the corresponding sales order is automatically created.
  • Post: When a transaction with an inter-company customer is created, the transaction is released, and a message asking if you would like to create the corresponding inter-company trade transaction is displayed.
Copy Dimensions

Specifies whether the system will copy the dimensions from the source document to the destination document on Inter-company Trade transactions.

  • On: All non-entity dimensions are copied from the source document to the destination document, including both header and line dimensions.
  • Off: Non-entity dimensions are not copied from the source document to the destination document.
Enable IC Trade Allocation on Purchase

Specifies whether enable IC Trade allocation on purchase transactions.

On: default IC Trade Allocation to true in the purchase order, purchase invoice page.

Post IC Trade Allocation on Purchase

Specifies how to post the IC trade allocation on purchase transaction.

Never: Only post purchase transaction and create internal sales invoices.

In Originating Only: Post purchase transaction, create internal sales invoices and post them, create intercompany trade purchase invoice.

Always: Post purchase transaction, create internal sales invoices and post them, create intercompany trade purchase invoices, and post them.

Enable IC Trade Allocation on Sales

Specifies whether enable IC Trade allocation on sales transactions.

On: default IC Trade Allocation to true in the sales order, sales invoice page.

Post IC Trade Allocation on Sales

Specifies how to post the IC trade allocation on sales transaction.

Never: Only post sales transaction and create internal purchase invoices.

In Originating Only: Post sales transaction, create internal purchase invoices and post them, create intercompany trade sales invoice.

Always: Post sales transaction, create internal purchase invoices and post them, create intercompany trade sales invoices, and post them.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Centralize Process

Determines how the entity is assigned to a production order, purchase order, or transfer order.

  • On: Uses centralize processing and assigns the entity from the requisition worksheet header to the header entity of the transaction that is being created.
  • Off: Uses decentralize processing and assigns the entity from the requisition worksheet header to entity of each corresponding line of the transaction that is being created. For lines can be consolidated (based on the standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central functionality), the lines are consolidated only when the entity matches.

When the action message is change quantity, reschedule, or reschedule and change quantity, the header of the existing document that is being changed remains the same.

Currently, this option does not apply to assembly orders.

This setting is used on the Centralize Process option on the MEM Carry Out Action Msg - Req., and is used for the Requisition Worksheets, Planning Worksheets, and Subcontracting Worksheet.

Assembly Management

MEM is automatically integrated with the Assembly Management module. You can disable the integration manually by turning it off in the MEM Setup page. Disable MEM Assembly Integration is a hidden field on the page which you can access by opening the Add Field to Page page. For more information about accessing hidden fields, see Work with fields and columns.

Warehouse Management

MEM is automatically integrated with the Warehouse Management module. You can disable the integration manually by turning it off in the MEM Setup page. Disable Warehousing is a hidden field on the page which you can access by opening the Add Field to Page page. For more information about accessing hidden fields, see Work with fields and columns.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Use Entity Legal Name

Specifies whether the company name or the entity name is used in your email subject lines.

  • On: Entity legal name is used in email subject line.
  • Off: Company name is used in email subject line.

When Use Entity Legal Name is turned on, the entity used in the email subject line depends on type of message you want to send. For example, if you send a purchase order in an email, the entity used in the subject line comes from the Purchase header.

Review the following scenarios to see which entity is used in specific scenarios.

Type of Document Entity Used
Purchase Order Using entity of: Purchase header
Purchase Quote Using entity of: Purchase header
Sales Credit Memo Using entity of: Sales Header
Sales Invoice Using entity of: Sales Header
Sales Order Using entity of: Sales Header
Sales Quote Using entity of: Sales Header
Vendor Remittance Using entity of the bank as specified by the Bal. Account Type.
Posted Vendor Remittance Using entity from the related Bank Account Ledger Entry.
Issue Reminder Using entity from the Entity for Email Scenario in the MEM Issue Reminders page.
Customer Statement Using entity from the Entity for Email Scenario in the MEM Customer Statement page.

User Defined Fields

Use this FastTab for creating user-defined fields for saving additional information. The user-defined fields boxes created on this page are available for all entities. To create user-defined field boxes for a specific entity, use the MEM Entity Setuppage. User-defined fields can be used when customizing reports.

For each user-defined field you want to add, specify the name of the field box. The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
User Defined Field

If you require user-defined field boxes for saving additional information, specify the name of the field box that you want to add. The available formats for the user-defined field boxes are as follows: 

  • Text field boxes 1 to 6
  • Integer field box 7
  • Decimal field box 8
  • Boolean field  box 9
  • Date field boxes 10 to 13


The following actions are available: 

Action Description
MEM Entity Setup Opens the MEM Entity Setup page.
Action > MEM Sample Data > Process Opens MEM Install Sample Data page, from where you can install the MEM sample data on top of the default Business Central data. Find more about MEM sample data on the MEM Install Sample Data page.


This following FastTab is obsolete: 

Field Description
Entity From Location

Select to use the entity of the location for the inventory account when creating purchase and sales transactions.

If you select this option, ensure that you also complete the Locationpage.

Note icon. Note: In MEM build (and newer), This option is automatically selected by default.

If you are using MEM build (and earlier), you must select this option to use the feature.

The following action is obsolete: 

Action Description
Actions > Change Binary Stream Customer Opens a dialog where you can change the Binary Stream customer ID. This action is the same as the action on the License Subscription Informationpage, and is typically used by Binary Stream administrators.