MEM Vendor 1099 Information by Entity
Use this page to generate a report that shows the vendor 1099 information for all vendors for the selected entities. Use the Entity Filter to select a range of entities or specific entities to appear on the report.
- Vendor 1099 Information: All transactions that use a 1099 code appear in the report.
For more information on 1099 reporting, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.
Based on the security settings on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page, the generated report(s) shows only the records that belong to entities to which you have access and match the other criteria that you specified. MEM security settings can restrict the visibility and access to the following types of records based on the entities to which you have access: bank account, customer, fixed asset, item, location, and vendor.
- When the Entity Filter contains specific entities, the report shows only the records for the specified entities.
- When the Entity Filter contains a range of entities, the report shows only the records within the specified entity range.
- When the Entity Filter is empty, the report shows all records that belong to entities to which you have access.