Unbilled Revenue Reconciliation Report

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Inquiries and reports > Unbilled revenue reconciliation report / inquiry

Use this page to generate a report for all unbilled revenue for all lines in a billing schedule. The report can be run for a specific customer or a specific billing schedule number.

The refund amount does not have to appear in the report or inquiry since the report shows only active billing schedule lines.

Generate a Report

Generate the report, follow these steps: 

  1. In Parameters, do the following: 
    1. Specify the As of date.
    2. To ensure you get the information you want, specify any of the following optional parameters: Customer account and Billing schedule number.
  2. When a Customer account is specified and the Billing schedule number is empty, the report shows all unbilled revenue lines of all billing schedules of the customer account

    When the Customer account is empty and the Billing schedule number is specified, the report shows all the unbilled revenue lines of the billing schedule only.

    When both Customer account and Billing schedule number are empty, the report shows all unbilled revenue lines of all the customers.

  3. In Destination, select where you want the generated report to be sent.
  4. In Records to include, select Filter to specify the criteria for the data that you want to appear on the report.
  5. In Run in the background, specify the settings for running the report in the back ground.
    Also set the parameters for a recurring report run and for alerts for batch jobs.
  6. Select OK, which generates the report and sends it to the selected destination.

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This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
As of date Specify the last date for the generated unbilled revenue lines that you want to include. Required.
Customer account Select a customer account.
Billing schedule number Select a billing schedule.
SSRS Fields Table
Select the destination for where the report is to be sent: to the screen, a file (Microsoft Excel or PDF), or directly to a printer.
Records to include
Specify the records that you want to include.
Run in the background
Specify the parameters for when the report runs as a background process.
Batch processing

Select whether to run the report as part of a batch job:

  • Yes: Runs the report in the background as part of a batch process.
  • No: Runs the report in the background on its own.
Task description Specify a description for the task.
Batch group Select the batch in which the report is to run.

Select whether the report is a private report:

  • Yes: The report is a private report.
  • No: The report is not private.
Critical job

Select whether the report run is critical: 

  • Yes: The report run is critical.
  • No: The report run is non-critical.
Monitoring category Select the monitoring category for running the report.

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Report Column Details

The following columns appear on the report: 

Field Description
Currency Code Displays the currency for the billing schedule.
Schedule number

Displays the billing schedule number and each billing schedule may have one or more billing schedule lines.

For example, a billing line can have three renewal terms, 1-year, 2-year, and 3-year. Each renewal term is associated with a deferral schedule. In this situation, three records appear on the report.

Customer account and name Displays the customer account for the billing schedule and the customer name.
Item ID and Product name Displays the item number and corresponding product name.
Line number Displays the line number for the item.
Total contract amount

Displays the total contract amount. This value is from the Renewals tab of the Line Details on the Billing Schedules page.

The value shown is based on the as-of date specified.

For the first record, the amount is for the original term, where the Renewal check box is cleared. All subsequent lines are for the renewal terms, where the Renewal check box is selected.

Deferral Schedule number

Displays the deferral schedule number attached to the billing schedule.

This number is from the Renewals tab of the Line Details on the Billing Schedules page.

Total invoiced amount

Displays total invoiced amount of a billing schedule.

To find this value, open the Billing Detail Lines (Inquiry) page and get the sum of all lines for a billing schedule that have the Billed check box selected.

The total is based on the as-of date specified, where the date represents the last date to include a period. If the as-of date is within the period, the period amount is included in the total invoiced amount.

Unbilled revenue balance

Displays unbilled revenue amount of a billing schedule line.

This value is calculated as follows: 

Total contract value - Total Invoiced amount for that term

Unbilled revenue GL account

Displays unbilled revenue GL amount.

To get this value, open the Billing Schedules page, and for a line item, select the Unbilled revenue action and you can see the unbilled revenue account.

Original deferral amount

Displays deferral original amount.

This value is from the Total amounton the header of the Schedules.

Deferral recognitions amount

Displays deferral recognized amount.

To find the lines that contribute to this amount, open the deferral schedule attached to the billing schedule. On the Schedules in the Schedule lines find all lines with a check mark for the Recognizedcell.

The total is based on the as-of date specified, where the date represents the last date to include a period. If the as-of date is within the period, the period amount is included in the total invoiced amount.

Deferral remaining amount

Displays deferral remaining amount.

This amount is calculated as follows: 

Deferral original amount – Deferral recognized amount


This page contains the following buttons: 

SSRS Buttons Table
Button Description
Filter Opens the query dialog where you select the criteria for the data that you want to appear on the report.
OK Generates the report based on the criteria that you entered.
Cancel Closes the window.

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