Unbilled Revenue Setup

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Setup > Unbilled revenue setup

Use this page to set up the following: 

  • Select items that use the unbilled revenue feature by default
  • Set up the unbilled revenue accounts for the items

Set Up Unbilled Revenue Items

To set up items to use the unbilled revenue feature by default, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the Items tab.
  2. Select Add.
  3. For the line, select the Item code and the Item relation.
  4. Repeat these steps to add more lines.
  5. Select Save.

Set Up Unbilled Revenue Accounts

To set up items and the default unbilled revenue accounts, follow these steps: 

  1. Select the Accounts tab.
  2. Select Add.
  3. For the line, select the Item code and the Item relation.
  4. Select the accounts for the unbilled revenue and the unbilled discount.
  5. Repeat these steps to add more lines.
  6. Select Save.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Items tab
Use this tab to set up items to use the unbilled revenue feature by default.
Item code

Select how the item code is applied: 

  • Table: Applies to a single item, specified in the Item relation field.
  • Group: Applies to an item group, specified in the Item relation field.
Item relation

Select the item code or item group.

Accounts tab
Use this tab to setup the default accounts for either individual items , groups or “all”.
Item code

Select how the item code is applied: 

  • Table: Applies to a single item, specified in the Item relation field.
  • Group: Applies to an item group, specified in the Item relation field.
  • All:  Applies to both single items and item groups.
Item relation

Select the item code or item group.

Unbilled revenue account

Select the account for the unbilled revenue journal entry.

Short-term unbilled revenue account

Select the account for the short-term unbilled revenue journal entry.

To set this account, on the Advanced Recurring Contract Billing Parameters page, set Short-term unbilled method to Rolling periods or Fixed year.

Unbilled discount account

Select the account for the unbilled discount journal entry.

Short-term Unbilled discount account

Select the account for the short-term unbilled discount journal entry.

To set this account, on the Advanced Recurring Contract Billing Parameters page, set Short-term unbilled method to Rolling periods or Fixed year.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description
Add Adds a line to the list.
Remove Deletes the selected line.