Recognition Batch Processing

Advanced Revenue & Expense Deferrals > Periodic tasks > Recognition processing

Use this page to set up recurring recognition batch job processing. When setting up the batch job process, you only need to modify the settings when first creating the batch job process.

To perform the recognition processing for a specified date range and to learn more about the options, review the description for the Recognition Processing page.

Set Up a Recurring Batch Job

To set up a recurring batch job, follow these steps: 

  1. Select Recognition action.
  2. Specify the journal Name and Description.
  3. To consolidate the recognition vouchers, set Summarize recognition journal to Yes.
  4. In Records to include, select additional filters to determine the records to include in the batch job.
  5. In Run in the background, do the following:
    1. Set any of the options to have the batch job run as a background process.
    2. Select Recurrence to have the batch job run as a recurring process. For more information, see Define Recurrence..
  6. Select OK.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Recognition action

Select the action for processing the records:

  • Create recognition journal: Creates a journal voucher to recognize the amount of a deferral schedule line and marks the deferral schedule line as recognized.
  • Reverse recognition journal: Reverses a previously created journal voucher and clears Recognized check box for the deferral schedule line.
  • Stub: Stubs the deferral schedule line. Stubbed lines cannot be recognized. Use this action when a recognition entry was manually created, which prevents duplicate entries.
  • Reverse stub: Removes the stub from a deferral schedule line.

Select the journal name.

The New voucher setting for this journal name must be In connection with balance.


Specify a description of the journal that is created.

Summarize recognition journal

Indicates whether recognition vouchers are consolidated: 

  • Yes:  Recognition vouchers are consolidated.

    When this option is used, the Description is copied to the description of the journal voucher lines that are created.

  • No: Recognition vouchers are not consolidated.
Batch Process Records Table
Records to include
Set values for the filters that are available. Some values cannot be changed since they are used when the batch is run.
Run in the background
Specify the parameters for when the report runs as a background process.
Batch processing

Select whether to run the report as part of a batch job:

  • Yes: Runs the report in the background as part of a batch process.
  • No: Runs the report in the background on its own.
Task description Specify a description for the task.
Batch group Select the batch in which the report is to run.

Select whether the report is a private report:

  • Yes: The report is a private report.
  • No: The report is not private.
Critical job

Select whether the report run is critical: 

  • Yes: The report run is critical.
  • No: The report run is non-critical.
Monitoring category Select the monitoring category for running the report.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Batch Process Buttons Table
Button Description
OK Runs the batch job based on the specified criteria.
Cancel Closes the window.
Run in the background

Specify the parameters for running the report on a recurring basis. For more information, see Define Recurrence.


Specify the parameters for sending alerts about a report run. For more information, see Batch Job Alerts.