CAM Pools

Modules > Property lease management > Setup > Expense pools

Modules > Property lease management > Leases > All Leases > [select a lease] or select New > Lowest Level FastTab > CAM Pools

This page is used for the following purposes: 

  • During the property category setup, use this page to add CAM expense pools to the different property levels. For the set up, you can access this page from the Properties window.
  • For a lease, use this page to review and edit the details of the CAM expense pools that are attached to the lowest level. For adding or editing a lease, you can access this page from the Lease Details, in the lowest level of the Levels 1, 2, 3 FastTab.

Add to Property Levels Setup

To add a CAM expense pools to a property level in the setup, incorporate the following steps when setting up the property category details:

  1. When adding or editing a property level on the Properties page, select CAM pools, which opens the CAM Pools page.
  2. For each CAM expense pool you want to add, do the following In the Expense pools FastTab:
    1. Select New to add a line.
    2. Select an Expense pool number.
    3. Change any values for the line as needed.
    4. In the Expense accounts FastTab, edit the accounts for the expense pool as needed.
  3. Repeat the previous step to add more CAM expense pools.
  4. Select Save.
  5. Continue setting up the property category on the Properties page.

Edit for a Lease

To edit the CAM expense pools, follow these steps:

  1. From the Lease Details, in the lowest level of the Levels 1, 2, 3 FastTab, select CAM Pools.
  2. When the CAM Pools page opens, the default values for the Expense pools and Expense accounts appear in the lists.

  3. In the Expense pools FastTab, you can edit the existing CAM expense pool as needed. Also, you can add or remove CAM expense pools.
  4. In the Expense accounts FastTab, you can edit the existing expense accounts as needed. Also, you can add or remove accounts.
  5. When you are finished editing the CAM expense pools, save your changes and return to the previous page.


The following field boxes are available: 

This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description

When setting up the property category, displays the property level name.

When setting up a lease, displays the lowest level.

Expense pools

Displays the CAM expense pools attached to the property. All default values are set up on the Property Lease Management Parameters or the Expense Pools pages. You can add or remove expense pools or change the details as needed.

When a CAM expense pool is removed, the associated expense accounts from the list below are also removed.

Expense pool number Displays the CAM expense pool number attached to the property levels.
Description Displays the description of the CAM expense pool.
Calculation method

Select the method for calculating CAM expenses: 

  • Base year: CAM expenses are based on the first year of a lease.
  • Current year: CAM expenses are based on the actual expenses of the current year.

For more information, see Calculations.

Once a reconciliation for a CAM expense pool exists, the calculation method cannot be changed.

Pro-Rata method

Select the pro-rata share method for dividing the CAM expenses proportionately among all affected tenants.

  • Fixed percentage: CAM expenses are calculated as a percent of the actual CAM expense amount.
  • Property area: CAM expenses are calculated as follows: Actual CAM expense * (leaseable area of a unit / leaseable area of the building).
  • Tenants area:  CAM expenses are calculated as follows:  Actual CAM expense * (chargeable area of a unit / chargeable area of all units in the building).
    When Exclude CAM calculation is selected for the lowest level on the Lease Details page, the lowest level is excluded from the calculation.

For more information, see Pro-Rata Share Method.


Specify the percent for the pro-rata calculation method.

Available and required when Fixed percentage is the pro-rata method used.

Reconciliation year

Select whether the CAM reconciliation amount is calculated based on the fiscal or lease year.

  • Fiscal year: The CAM reconciliation is based on the fiscal year as set up in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
  • Lease year: The CAM reconciliation is based on the lease year.

For example, the fiscal year for a company is January to December. A lease has a start date of April 1, 2018. When the CAM reconciliation is based on the fiscal year, the reconciliation is performed on December 31, 2019. When the CAM reconciliation is based on the lease year, the reconciliation is performed on March 31, 2019.

Base year

Specify the base year for the CAM reconciliation. The default is the current year, which you can change.

Available when using the Base year calculation method.

Charge number Displays the charge number associated with the expense pool. For information purposes only.
Recoverable charge Displays the recoverable charge associated with the expense pool. For information purposes only.
Expense accounts

Displays the associated accounts for the selected CAM expense pool. All default values are set up on the Expense Pools pages. You can add or remove expense accounts or change the details as needed.


Displays the account number for the charge. Required.

When financial dimensions for the accounts are used, the default financial dimension values are from the Properties setup for the level. These values can be changed as needed.

Description Displays the description of the charge.
Cap type

Select the capping type: 

  • Cumulative: The cap amount is calculated cumulatively starting from the base year and considering all previous years.
  • Non-cumulative: The cap amount is calculated based on the current year and is reset every year.

For more information, see Capping.

Caps percentage

Specify the cap percent.

The cap can only be used with when Calculation method is Base year.

Mark-ups percentage

Specify the mark-up percent.

For more information, see Markups.

Gross-ups percentage

Specify the gross-up percent.

For more information, see Gross Ups.

Base year amount

Displays the base year amount for the CAM expenses.

This field is mainly used when importing data from a different system when implementing Property Lease Management.

If this value is empty, and the CAM expense pool uses the base year calculation method, the value is automatically updated when the CAM reconciliation is processed for the base year.