SBS ARCB Billing Schedule Line Renewal Info

Use this page to renew one or more selected billing schedule line.

Renew Schedule

Renew a billing schedule line: 

  1. On the SBS ARCB Billing Schedule Card page, select one or more lines in the Schedule Lines area.
  2. Select Renewal > Renew , which opens the SBS ARCB Billing Schedule Line Renewal Info page.
  3. Ensure that Auto-Renewed is selected, and specify the Lines to Add per Renewal.
  4. In the Actions tab, select Renew.
  5. When you are asked to confirm the action, select Yes.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description

Select to automatically renew the selected billing schedule line for the next billing period: 

  • On: The billing schedule line is automatically renewed for the next billing period when you create an invoice.
  • Off: The billing schedule line is not automatically renewed. You must manually renew the billing schedule.

Must be selected to be able to automatically renew the billing schedule line.

Lines to Add per Renewal

Specify the number of lines to add to a billing schedule renewal.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description
Actions tab
Renew Renews the selected billing schedule line with the renewal settings that you specified.


Auto Renew: Revenue Split Item

Version (and newer) will include the following validations for the Revenue Split Item auto-renew.

  1. If Parent item Auto-renewed is OFF

    1. ALL Children MUST be OFF.

  2. If Parent item Auto-renewed is ON

    1. Children may be either ON or OFF. The Parent amount is recalculated during the creation of the auto-renewed invoice.