Advanced Pricing Options

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > All or Active billing schedules > [select a billing schedule] > [select a billing schedule line] > [select Advanced pricing options]

Use this page to edit the pricing options for an item. This page is available for each line item on the billing schedule.

When you edit the pricing options, you can set the free quantity amounts for a billing schedule line. Also, you can set any minimum or maximum charges for a billing schedule line.

Setting Up Pricing Options

Set up the pricing options for an item: 

  1. From the All/Active Billing Schedules list select an active billing schedule.
  2. On the Billing Schedules page, go to the Billing schedule lines, select a line, and select Advanced pricing options.
  3. Set up the Free quantity options for an item: 
    • Specify values for Free quantity and Reset number of periods.
  4. Set up the minimum and maximum (Min/Max) billing amount for an item: 
    1. Select the Type of value to use (amount or quantity).
    2. Specify the minimum and maximum billing amounts or quantities.
    3. Specify the Reset number of periods.
  5. Select OK.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Schedule number

Displays the billing schedule number.

Item number

Displays the item number for the billing schedule line.

Free quantity
Free quantity

Specify the free quantity amount allowed. For items that are metered or are usage items, the free quantity is deducted from the consumption. The resulting invoice is calculated by the formula: consumption - free quantity.

Total free used

Displays the free quantity amount that has been used in the contract.

  • When Free is set Per Period, this value is reset for each billing period. The free quantity value displayed is per billing period.
  • When Free is set Cumulative, this value is not reset for each billing period:
    • When Reset Number of Periods to zero (0), this value is not reset and shows the cumulative value for the whole contract.
    • When Reset Number of Periods to 1, this value is reset for each billing period and works much like when Free is set to Per Period.
    • When Reset Number of Periods is greater than 1, this value is reset for the number of periods specified in Reset Number of Periods.
Reset number of periods

Specify the number of periods to pass before the cumulative free quantity is reset.

  • The default value is zero (0), which means the free quantity does not reset after the invoice is created for each billing period.
  • When this value is 1, the free quantity is per period. The functionality is the same as when Free is Per Period.
  • When this value is greater than 1, the free quantity used is cumulative of the billing periods. The free quantity resets after the value specified.
    For example, a support agreement has a monthly billing period and can have up to 10 free support incidents each year. This value is set to 12, so that the free quantity is reset every 12 months.
Reset free used

Displays the free quantity amount currently used. The starting value is zero (0). This value is reset after the latest invoice for the number of periods specified in Reset number of periods is created. ClosedView example.

For example, a billing schedule has a monthly billing period January to December. Reset number of periods is 3. The most current invoice is created for May, and you review the billing schedule in July. The current billing period is June, and the invoice has not yet been created. The Reset free used value was reset after the invoice for March was created, and it shows the free quantity amount that is used within April to June.


Select how the price of the item is committed: 

  • By Amount: When selected, you can specify the minimum (floor) and maximum (ceiling) bill amounts for the item. After the minimum and maximum amounts are set, can be billed for an amount that is between the minimum and maximum amounts (inclusive of the minimum and maximum values set).
  • By Quantity: When selected, you can specify the minimum and maximum billing quantities.
    For example, the minimum billing quantity is 50, but the consumption for the month is only 25. You are billed for 50 instead of 25. Similarly, if the maximum billing quantity is 50, but the consumption is 75, you are only billed for 50.
Minimum bill amount/quantity

Specify the minimum amount or quantity for which to bill.

Reset number of periods

Specify the number of periods to pass before the resetting the minimum or maximum quantities. The default value is 1.

Maximum bill amount/quantity

Specify the maximum amount or quantity for which to bill.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Saves the changes and closes the page.


Closes the page.