Copy Schedule

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > All or Active billing schedules > [select a billing schedule line] > [select Copy schedule]

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > All or Active billing schedules > [select a billing schedule] > [select Copy schedule]

Use this page to copy a billing schedule, which helps save time when you want a billing schedule to have all the same settings as an existing billing schedule.

Copy Schedule

To copy a billing schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. Select an existing billing schedule: 
  2. On the Billing Schedule tab, select Copy schedule.
  3. Select the Customer account.
  4. Change the billing start and end dates and the invoice account as needed.
  5. If needed, change values for the optional boxes: Project ID, End user account, Partner account, Customer reference, or Deferral start date.
  6. In the line grid, select the lines that you want to copy.
  7. Select OK.

After the copy process is finished, the new billing schedule appears at the bottom of the All/Active Billing Schedules list or on the Billing Schedules page.

Copy Items to Another Billing Schedule

  1. Select an existing billing schedule: 
  2. On the Billing Schedule tab, select Copy schedule.
  3. Select the Customer account and then select a Billing schedule number.
  4. Change the billing start and end dates as needed.
  5. If needed, change values for the optional boxes: Project ID, End user account, Partner account, Customer reference, or Deferral start date.
  6. In the line grid, select the lines that you want to copy.
  7. Select OK.

After the copy process is finished, review the billing schedule to which you copied the items, and check that the items have been added as expected.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Copy To  
Billing schedule number Select a billing schedule to which you want to copy the items.
Customer Account  
Customer account Select the customer account number to associate with the billing schedule.
Project ID

Select the project ID that you want to attach to the billing schedule. The project IDs that are available are based on the selected customer.

After an invoice for a billing schedule line has been created, this value becomes read-only.

End user account Select an end user ID attached to the customer number used for the billing schedule.
Partner account

Select the partner account to associate with the billing schedule. This value does not affect the calculations for the billing schedule. For information purposes only.

Customer reference

Specify reference text for the billing schedule.


Displays the contact name for the billing schedule.

Note icon. Note: The contact is copied from the originating billing schedule to the new billing schedule only when the Customer account is the same for both billing schedules.

Contact Info

Displays the email address and Internet address for the billing schedule.

Note icon. Note: The contact information is copied from the originating billing schedule to the new billing schedule only when the Customer account is the same for both billing schedules.

Billing Dates  
Billing start date Specify the start date of the billing schedule, which is used for the annual accumulation logic. This date rolls down to lines where the deferral start date is greater than the billing start date on the header and also the lines are not billed yet.When the billing frequency is set to One Time, the date is not rolled down to the line items.
Billing end date Specify the billing end date.
Deferral Dates  
Deferral start date Specify the deferral start date.
Line Grid
Variant number Displays the variant number available for the selected Item number.
Item number Displays the item number for the billing schedule line.
Quantity Displays the quantity of the item.
Unit price Displays the unit price for the item.
Net amount Displays the net amount for the item.
Billing start date Displays the billing start date.
Billing end date Displays the billing end date.
Deferral start date Displays the deferral start date for the line item.
Deferral end date Displays the deferral end date for the line item.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Performs one of the following copy actions: 

  • Copies all the settings of an existing billing schedule to a new billing schedule
  • Copies all billing schedule lines to an existing billing schedule.
Cancel Closes the page without copying the billing schedule.
See also

Billing Schedule