Invoice Preview

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > All or Active billing schedules > [select a billing schedule line] > [select Invoice Preview]

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > All or Active billing schedules > [select a billing schedule] > [select Invoice Preview]

Use this page to review a preview of the invoice for the billing schedule. To generate a preview, you must specify the options for the invoice.

You can review the invoice preview for a billing schedule in one of the following ways: 

View Invoice Preview

To view the invoice preview, follow these steps: 

  1. Select a billing schedule or a billing schedule line: 
  2. Select Invoice preview.
  3. Select the As of date.
  4. Select whether to Include Invoiced Periods.
  5. Choose Select, which updates the line grid.
  6. In the line grid, select the lines you want to include in the preview, and select Report.

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This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Schedule number Displays the billing schedule number.
Currency code Displays the currency of the customer.
Customer account Displays the customer account ID or number.
As of Date

The functionality of this field depends on the Date Option selected: 

  • Next Billing Date: The date is set to the earliest billing start date. When the list grid is updated, it shows all the uninvoiced lines that have a billing start date that is the same as this date.
  • User Date: The date is set to the current date. When the list grid is updated, it shows all uninvoiced lines that have a billing start date and billing end date the same as or earlier than this date.

If needed, you change this date.

Include invoiced periods

Select whether to include invoiced periods in the preview: 

  • Yes: Includes invoiced contract lines in the preview.
  • No: Does not show invoiced contract lines in the preview.
Line Grid

Displays the following columns: 

  • Item number
  • Product name
  • Frequency
  • Unit
  • Billing start date
  • Billing end date
  • Quantity
  • Unit price
  • Discount
  • Net amount
  • Monthly unit price
  • Monthly discount
  • Monthly new amount
  • Billed

The following columns are available when Multiple Element Revenue Allocation is used with ARCB

  • Contract value
  • MEA number
  • SSP origin
  • Standalone selling price
  • Contract SSP
  • Calculated revenue
  • Period revenue
Unit price Displays the sum total of all unit prices.
Net amount Displays the net amount, which is a calculated value.
Discount Displays the total discount.
Monthly unit price Displays the total monthly unit price.
Monthly discount Displays the total monthly discount.
Monthly net amount Displays the sum total of all monthly net amounts.

The Monthly unit price and Monthly discount for the billing frequency other than monthly are calculated as follows: 

Frequency Monthly Unit Price Monthly Discount
Quarterly Unit Price/3 Discount/3
Semi-Annual Unit Price/6 Discount/6
Annual Unit Price/12 Discount/12
Weekly Unit Price * 4 Discount * 4
Daily Unit Price * Number of days in the given month Discount * Number of days in the given month
One Time, Miscellaneous Same as Unit Price Same as Unit Price

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This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description
Select Updates the grid with data that satisfies the criteria that you selected on this page.
OK Closes the preview page.
Report Generates a preview of the invoice that you can print.

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See also

Billing Schedule