Milestone Allocation

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > All or Active billing schedules > [select a billing schedule] >[select a billing schedule line] > [select Milestone allocation]

Use this page to view and update the milestone allocation information for the item.

Edit Milestone Allocation

To edit milestone allocation for a billing schedule line, follow these steps: 

  1. In the list of all billing schedules, select the Schedule number of the billing schedule.
  2. In the Billing schedule lines section, select a line and select Milestone allocation.
  3. Review all the default information for the milestone allocation based on the selected milestone template.
  4. If needed, make any changes or add or remove lines.
  5. Select Process.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Parent item Displays the item number for the parent. Read-only.
Extended price

Displays the extended price of the item. If needed, you can change this value. This value corresponds to the Net amount for the billing schedule line.

For a milestone parent item, the default value is the Total amount specified for the milestone template. When the total amount is zero (0), the default value is the Net amount for the billing schedule line.

Milestone template

Displays the milestone template ID for the line item. If needed, you can change the template ID for the item.

Template description

Displays the description for the milestone template.

Allocation method

Displays the allocation method used for the milestone template. If needed, you can change the allocation method.

The default values for all lines are based on the selected milestone template and can be changed as needed.
Item number

Displays the item number for the item number for the milestone allocation template. If needed, you can change the item number or added more items.

Product name

Displays the product name.


Displays the allocation percentage for the line. Available when Allocation method is Percentage or Equal amount. The sum of all the percentages must equal 100%.

Changing the percentage, updates the Net amount for the line. The reverse is also true, changing the Net mount updates the percentage.

Allocation percentage

Displays the percentage of completion for the line. Available when Allocation method is Percent of completion. The sum of all the percentages must equal to or less than 100%.

Net amount

Displays the allocation amount for the line. Available when Allocation method is Variable amount or Equal amount. The sum total of the net amount for all lines must equal the Extended price specified in the header.

Changing the net amount, updates the Percentage for the line. The reverse is also true, changing the Percentage updates the net amount.

Total percentage

Equals the sum of the Percentage for all lines. This sum must equal 100.

Total amount Displays the sum total of the Net amount for all lines. This sum must equal to the Extended price specified in the header.
Remaining amount Displays the remaining amount, which is calculated as the Extended price from the header minus the sum total of the Net amount for all lines. The final amount must be zero (0).


Displays an audit list of all changes for lines that use the Percentage of completion allocation method. The changes are recorded when the Extended price is changes after the invoice for any milestone child item is created. The audit shows the following read-only information:  

  • Original and new amounts
  • The user identifier who made the change
  • The date and time on which the change occurred
  • The reason for the change
    The reason can be edited at the time the amount or percentage changes are made.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Saves the record and any changes to the page.