Milestone Billing Workflow

Ensure a system administrator completes the setup tasks:

  1. Add one or more milestone templates.
  2. Create a billing schedule group, and specify the item type as milestone and select a template.
  3. Create item setups, and select a milestone template for the item setup.

After the setup is completed, you can create a billing schedule to use the milestone functionality: 

  1. From the All/Active Billing Schedules list, select New.
  2. On the Billing Schedules, creating a billing schedule and ensure that you complete the following: 
    1. Specify a Customer account and a Start date.
  3. In the Billing Schedule Lines, select Add line and specify an Item number.
    1. For the item, set Item type to Milestone.
      If a default milestone template is set up for the item, the milestone events are automatically added to the billing schedule lines.
    2. If the milestone template is not setup for an item, select Milestone allocation.
    3. On the Milestone Allocation, select a Milestone template, make any adjustments as needed, and select Close to return to the billing schedule.
    4. Finish creating the billing schedule.
  4. To be able to create invoices for the billing schedule, the end date for each milestone even must be updated.
  5. For a single billing schedule, you can update the end date for the milestone event on the Billing Schedule Lines. To update multiple billing schedules, use the Mass Update Milestone Processing.

  6. After the end date is updated, you can create the invoice. For a single billing schedule, simply use the Invoice creator button from the Billing Schedules page. To create invoices for multiple billing schedules, use the Invoice Creator.

Termination with Credit

Milestone items uses One time frequency, therefore once the milestone items are invoiced Billing schedule lines Status will be Active instead of Terminated. Similarly to the Mass Termination Processing > One Time Frequency Termination with Credit when Termination with refund is selected appropriate credit adjustment happens based on the options selected on Mass termination processing window.