
Use this page to create and maintain customer records. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations documentation.

Advanced recurring contract billing Actions

This tab is available from the All customers list or from viewing a single customer record. Use the actions from this tab to view and manage billing schedules for the selected customer record.

Actions Description
New > Billing schedule Opens the Billing Schedules page, where you create a billing schedule for the selected customer. To help save time, various values from the customer record are automatically applied to the billing schedule. You can change any of the values as needed.
View > All billing schedules Opens the All/Active Billing Schedules list that shows all billing schedules for the selected customer.

Addresses FastTab

Address information entered in this FastTab are used on the Billing Schedules page:

  • Address information is updated in the header after a customer is selected.
  • The Address FastTab is for the delivery and bill-to address for the billing schedule.
  • The Address tab of the Line Details is for the delivery and bill-to address for a specific billing schedule line.

When address information is updated for the customer, the information for the billing schedule and all affected lines are also updated. Updates are made only to billing schedules and lines that have a status of Active, On hold or Last billing.


  • If this page is opened from the Billing Schedules page, you must refresh the Billing Schedules page to see the updated address information.
  • If other users are viewing the Billing Schedules for the same customer, they must refresh the page to view the updated address information.