Invoice Creator Batch Processing

Use this page to set up the recurring invoice creator batch job process. When setting up the batch job process, you only need to modify the settings when first creating the batch job process. For information on standard Subscription Billing functionality, see the Subscription Billing documentation.

Invoice Processing ID

To assign an invoice processing ID, incorporate the following steps when setting up the recurring batch: 

  1. Set Invoice transaction type to Sales order. Invoice processing IDs are only available for sales orders.
  2. Change the Invoice processing ID as needed. The default values is based on the Subscription Billing Parameters settings.
  3. Select OK.

Exclude Custom Fields When Consolidating

When creating a consolidated by customer invoice, you can use Custom fields exclusion in consolidation to exclude custom fields from the consolidation process. If you have multiple sales orders with the same customer, but with different custom fields in the headers of the billing schedules, then you can still consolidate those sales orders by customer, by turning on Custom fields exclusion in consolidation.

When you consolidate multiple sales orders with different custom fields in their headers into a single invoice, the custom field values in the header of the invoice are applied from the billing schedule header with the lowest number sequence. For example, if you consolidate USMF-008 and USMF-006, then the custom fields from the header of USMF-006 are used in the custom fields header of the consolidated invoice.

The following scenario may happen when you use Custom fields exclusion in consolidation.

If the billing schedule header of USMF-006 does not have any custom fields but USMF-008 does have custom fields, the consolidated invoice header will not display any custom fields. This is because the consolidated invoice header data is first generated from USMF-006. The custom fields used in the billing schedule lines are included in the consolidated invoice lines.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Invoice Processing
Invoice processing ID

Displays the invoice processing ID used for creating the sales invoice or credit memo (Invoice transaction type is Sales order). Maximum of 20 characters with the default format of <Prefix><SystemDate>, where the Prefix and SystemDate are based on the settings on the Invoice Processing ID Setup (FastTab) of the Subscription Billing Parameters page.

When using the Invoice Creator or Mass Termination Processing, change this value as needed before processing the records. For the Invoice Creator Batch Processing, change the value before saving the parameters.