Subscription Billing Parameters

Use this page to set up the default values for working with Subscription Billing.

Add Billing Number Prefix to Sales Order Number

The billing schedule number can be added as a prefix to sales order documents that are created from the Invoice Creator. This number form helps you readily identify the source of the sales document.

  1. On the Parameters page, go to the Sales Order Number Setup and set the Add billing number prefix option to Yes.
  2. Review the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations documentation for adding a billing schedule and then creating the invoice for the billing schedule.

The format of the resulting sales document number is as follows: 

  • Sales invoice: <BillingSchedNo>-I<SalesID>, where the letter I indicates invoice
  • Credit memo: <BillingSchedNo>-C<SalesID>, where the letter C indicates credit memo

For example, a billing schedule has the following number USMF-000675.

  • When an invoice is created, the resulting sales document number is: USMF-000675-I004785.
  • When the billing schedule is terminated and a credit note or refund is created or the billing schedule has negative quantity billing schedule lines, the sales document number is: USMF-000675-C004786.

When consolidating invoices by customer (Consolidate by customer is set to Yes on the Invoice Creator), the first billing schedule number is used for generating the sales document number sequence. For example, Customer A has three billing schedules with the following numbers (BS1, BS2, and BS3). The sales document number generated is BS1-IXXXXXX.

Set Up Invoice Processing ID

Use the invoice processing functionality to create custom invoice processing IDs for sales orders that are created from the Invoice Creator in Subscription Billing.

  1. On the Parameters page, go to the Invoice Processing ID Setup (FastTab) and set the following options: 
    1. Set Invoice processing ID to Yes.
    2. Specify the Prefix for the invoice processing ID.
    3. Select the Date format to use for the invoice processing ID.
  2. Review the Subscription Billing documentation for creating the sales order for the billing schedule.
  3. After these values are set up, use the Invoice Creator in Subscription Billing to create the sales orders for the billing schedules. The default invoice processing ID is applied to the Invoice Processing ID field box on the Invoice Creator. This value can be edited before the invoice creator process is run.

Set Up ASM Sales Invoice Layout

Use the ASM Sales Invoice Layout if you want to turn on Enable additional fields in the ASM Parameters. To setup the ASM Sales Invoice Report layout, do the following,

  1. Go to the Accounts receivable module. Open Forms > Form setup.
  2. In the General tab of the Form setup page, select Print management.
  3. Open Module - accounts receivable > Documents > Customer invoice > Original <Default>.
  4. Under Report format, select BssiAsmSalesInvoiceReport.


The following section describes the FastTabs and fields within the General tab of the Subscription Billing Parameters.

General (FastTab)

The following section describes the fields within the General FastTab.

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Portal Setup

Indicates whether you can use the Self Serve and Payments Processing portal.

CE Integration Setup
CE integration

Indicates whether you can use Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Experience (CE) with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

  • Yes: You can use CE integration. See CE Integration.
  • No: You cannot use CE integration with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
Custom Fields Setup
Custom fields

Indicates whether custom header or line fields are added for billing schedules.

  • Yes: Custom header or line fields are used for adding company-specific information to billing schedules. When this option is selected, the Custom Fields tab appears.
  • No: No custom header or line fields are used.
Custom fields exclusion in consolidation

Select to exclude custom fields from consolidation when you consolidate sales orders by customer. If you have multiple sales orders with the same customer, but with different custom fields in the headers of the billing schedules, then you can still consolidate those sales orders by customer, by turning on Custom fields exclusion in consolidation. You can only use this setting if you have also turned on Custom fields. For more information see Exclude Custom Fields When Consolidating.

  • Yes: Custom fields are ignored when consolidating sales orders by customer.
  • No: Sales orders with different custom fields in their headers, but with the same customer, will not be consolidated into a single invoice.

Note icon. Note: This setting only applies when you are consolidating by customer, and you are using the invoice creator or processing mass terminations.

Invoice Split Setup
Invoice Split

Select to split invoices based on specific fields for each schedule.

  • Yes: The system will split invoices based on custom fields set up for each schedule. When this option is selected, the Invoice Split tab will be available.
  • No: You cannot split invoices.
Billing Cycle Setup
Billing cycle

Use Billing cycle to set up alternative billing cycles when invoicing billing schedules.

  • Yes: You can create billing classes with different billing settings, such as frequency of billing, for example.
  • No: Billing schedules do not use any billing cycles and there is no projected invoice date.
Sales Tax Setup
Sales tax

Use Sales tax to assign sales tax groups on billing schedule headers and be able to change them as needed. You can assign sales tax groups to billing schedule headers and billing schedule lines.

  • Yes: You can assign or change the sales tax group on the billing schedule header level.
  • No: You cannot assign or change the sales tax group for billing schedules unless a billing schedule line has a project item.
Commission Deferrals Setup
Commission deferrals

Indicates whether the custom deferrals split functionality is used. This functionality enables you to apply commission sales groups and commission customer groups to sales orders and billing schedules for both regular items and deferral items.

  • Yes: The commission deferrals functionality is used. For more information, see Commission.
  • No: The commission deferrals functionality is not used.
Billing Frequency
Change billing frequency after post

Indicates whether the Billing frequency change functionality is used or not. When it is turned on you can keep the original billing line contract and change the schedule to the new frequency. The billing period amount on the adjusted billing frequency is still based on the unit price in the billing schedule line.

The status of the billing schedule lines must be Active or On hold and cannot a include milestone items because they always have one-time billing frequency.

  • Yes: Billing frequency on any billing line will be enabled and can be modified even after the billing schedule line is partially invoiced. The billing period amount on the adjusted billing frequency is still based on the unit price in the billing schedule line.
  • No: You cannot change the billing frequency of billing schedules after they are posted.
Sales Order Number Setup
Only one of Add billing number prefix or Sales order from sequence number can be set to Yes. These features cannot be used together.
Add billing number prefix

Indicates whether the billing schedule number is added as a prefix to sales documents that are created from the Invoice Creator in Subscription Billing.

  • Yes: Adds the billing schedule number as a prefix to the sales document number. For the resulting sales number format, see Add Billing Number Prefix to Sales Order Number.
  • No: Uses the default sales order number sequence for all sales documents. The default sales documents number sequence is set up in Subscription Billing.
Sales order from sequence number

Indicates whether sales orders created from the Invoice Creator use a specific number sequence.

  • Yes: Uses a number sequence that you select in the Number Sequences tab.
  • No: Uses the default sales order number sequence for all sales documents created from the Invoice Creator. The default sales documents number sequence is set up in Subscription Billing.
On Hold Setup
Enable sales line on hold status

Select whether or not you can mark sales order lines as On hold. When sales orders lines are on hold, you cannot invoice them, generate picking lists, or post packing slips.

  • Yes: You can mark sales order lines as on hold.
  • No: You cannot mark sales order lines as on hold.
Display additional field on Sales order
Calculate unit price

Indicates whether sales order lines created from the Invoice Creator will have Contract price and Price frequency used in Calculate unit price window populated from the billing schedules.

  • Yes: Contract price and Price frequency fields gets populated from Calculate unit price window from the billing schedule.
  • No: The fields remain empty.


Billing period dates

Indicates whether sales order lines created from the Invoice Creator will have the Billing period dates populated from the billing schedules.

  • Yes: The fields gets populated with the Billing detail line Start date and End date.
  • No: The fields remain empty.


Rebill Setup

Select whether or not you want to be able to rebill billing schedule lines that have been invoiced and which then have credit notes applied against them.

  • Yes: You can rebill already invoiced billing schedule lines once the credit note is applied against the invoice.
  • No: You cannot rebill billing schedule lines which have been invoiced and then had a credit note applied.


Invoice Layout
Enable additional fields

To use this feature with your sales invoices, follow the Set Up ASM Sales Invoice Layout process.

The Enable additional fields option has two effects on sales invoices:

Customer balance: Displays the outstanding or credit balance of a customer as a separate line on a sales order invoice.

  • Yes: The balance of a customer is displayed as a separate line on a sales order invoice.
  • No: The balance of a customer is not displayed as a separate line on a sales order invoice.

Invoice period: Displays the range of time of the invoice period in which the invoice is created. The start of the invoice period is the earliest billing detail date of all lines on the sales order. The end date of the invoice period is the latest billing detail date of all lines on the sales order.

Invoice period: Displays the range of time of the invoice period in which the invoice is created. The start date of the invoice period is the earliest billing detail date based on the lines of the sales order. The end date of the invoice period is the latest billing detail date based on the lines of the sales order.

  • Yes: Invoice period appears on the sales invoice.
  • No: Invoice period does not appear on the sales invoice.

For example, if you are invoicing a billing schedule on March 12, 2023, and the earliest billing detail line is dated January 10, 2023, and the latest billing detail line is dated March 17, 2023, then the invoice period appears as 1/10/2023 to 3/17/2023.

Audit Trail with Currency Inquiry
Exchange rate calculation base

Select the method for calculating the exchange rate when you use the Audit Trail with Reporting and Transaction Currency. The Exchange rate calculation base field becomes read-only when you run the Audit trail with reporting and transaction currency and generate data in the inquiry. In the Audit trail with reporting and transaction currency you can select Cleanup to clear the batch generated data and then you can select a new Exchange rate calculation base, if necessary.

  • Transaction date: Transaction date is the default method for calculating the exchange rate. The reporting and transaction currency amounts in the inquiry are calculated based on the date when the transaction occurs. For example, if a transaction is processed on January 10, 2024, then the exchange rates of that date are used.
  • Recognition date: The reporting and transaction currency amounts in the inquiry are calculated based on the date when the transaction is recognized. For example, if a transaction is processed on January 10, 2024, and then recognized on January 17, 2024, then the exchange rates from January 17 are used.
Customer Split Setup
Customer split

Indicates whether the customer split functionality is used. This functionality allows you to split the invoice for an item among multiple customers.

  • Yes: The customer split functionality is used. When selected, the Customer Split page becomes available.
  • No: The customer split functionality is not used.
Milestone with Revenue Allocation
Milestone with Revenue Allocation

Indicates whether or not Milestone with revenue allocation can be used with billing schedules.

  • Yes: The feature is enabled.
  • No: The feature is disabled.

Invoice Processing ID Setup (FastTab)

The following section describes the fields within the Invoice Processing ID Setup FastTab.

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Invoice processing ID

Indicates whether the invoice processing feature is used.

  • Yes: Creates custom invoice processing IDs that are applied to the resulting sales orders. To specify the default value of the invoice processing ID, specify the Prefix and select the Date format. The resulting invoice processing ID has the format: <Prefix><SystemDate>. When the invoice processing feature is used, the Invoice processing ID field box appears on the Invoice Creator in Subscription Billing.
  • No: The invoice processing ID for the sales orders can be set on the Sales order detail, which is is a standard function in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations (Create an invoice from a sales order). This invoice processing ID is then applied to the sales orders that are created from the Invoice Creator in Subscription Billing.
Prefix Specify the prefix value for the custom invoice processing ID. Maximum of six (6) characters.
Date format Select a language for the date format that is used in the custom invoice processing ID. The date formats are based on the selected language.
Date format preview Displays a read-only preview of the date format appears after a language is selected in the Date format.

Invoice Adjustment Setup (FastTab)

The following section describes the fields within the Invoice Adjustment Setup FastTab.

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Invoice adjust

Select whether or not to use the Invoice adjustment functionality. Turn on invoice adjustment to be able to update invoice amounts. For example, you can use invoice adjustment to add an escalation amount to a billing schedule which has already been partially invoiced. That escalation amount is added to the billing schedule based on the type of adjustment method you select.

The Consolidate by item action with will not apply to billing lines which have been adjusted using the method set to Catch up. Those billing lines cannot be consolidated into the same sales order line.

You cannot use Multiple Element Revenue Allocation with invoice adjustment and Catch up as the adjustment method.

You cannot use invoice adjustment with revenue split items.

Invoice adjustment method

When Invoice adjust is turned on, you can select the type of invoice adjustment to use. The invoice adjustment option you select will be used as the default option on billing schedule headers.

  • None: Default option and will not create any adjustment.
  • Catch up: Any adjusted amounts are billed in a separate sales order, one line for each adjusted billing period instead of adding up to the next un-invoiced period.
  • True up: The total adjustment amount is added to the first un-invoiced period.
Post adjustment automatically

Select whether or not adjustments are posted automatically.

  • Yes: Invoice adjustments are posted automatically.
  • No: Invoice adjustments are not automatically posted.

Advanced Invoicing (FastTab)

The following section describes the fields within the Advanced Invoicing FastTab.

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
BOM allocation method

Select the type of allocation method you want to use for your Bill of Materials (BOM) items. The BOM allocation method determines how the BOM item lines (the component items of the main BOM product) are calculated.

  • Equal: The price of the BOM product is allocated equally to each of the BOM item lines based on the quantity of the line item. For example, if the BOM product costs $900 and has three BOM item lines each with a quantity of one, then each of the BOM item lines are calculated at $300.
  • Standard Price: The standard price of each BOM line item is used as a percentage to calculate the total price of the BOM product.
    • For example, the standard price of BOM line items are:
      • BOM line 1 costs $400
      • BOM line 2 costs $500
      • BOM line 3 costs $300
    • And the BOM product is priced at $1000. The BOM line items would have the following allocated amounts:
      • BOM line 1: $333.33
      • BOM line 2: $416.67
      • BOM line 3: $250.00
Rounding account Select the rounding account you want to use when you process cancellations or return orders for BOM line items.
Copy charges on return

Select to automatically generates charges for a return order based on the charges you used for the sales order.

Default return reason code Select the default reason code that you want to use to process returns.
Default return disposition code Select the default disposition code that you want to use to for return orders. For more information about disposition codes, see Disposition codes and disposition actions.
Advanced Invoicing
Enable advanced invoicing

Select to use advanced invoicing when processing sales orders. Advanced invoicing lets you invoice customers before the items are shipped.

Inventory status

Inventory status is used for a specific customization and is not applicable to your general usage of Advanced Subscription Management. It is only used when you use advanced invoicing with a sales order. The status must display Reserved to be able to invoice or ship an advanced invoice sales order.

We recommend you only use Inventory status if you are able to add customized code to your Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations environment.

  • Yes: The Inventory status field is displayed on your sales orders.
  • No: The Inventory status field is not displayed on your sales orders. You can use all other Subscription Billing features normally.
Recognize revenue on shipment

Select whether or not you want to automatically recognize the revenue of a sales order when it is shipped instead of when it is invoiced.

  • Yes: Deferral schedules are automatically created when you use advanced invoicing with a sales order.
  • No: Deferral schedules are not automatically created. You can choose how you want to recognize the revenue.
Invoice confirmed orders

Select whether or not you want to require that sales orders have a Confirmed document status before you can post the packing slip or invoice.

  • Yes: Sales orders must have a Confirmed document status before you can post the packing slip or invoice. The Document status is displayed on the sales order header tab, under the General FastTab.
  • No: Sales orders are not required to have a Confirmed document status before you can post the packing slip or invoice.
Advanced Invoicing
Enable installment billing Select to use installment billing with your sales orders. Installment billing allows you to set up
Default journal name Select the default journal name.
Suspense account Select the suspense account to use for installment billing contracts.

Lease Accounting Standard (FastTab)

The following section describes the fields within the Lease Accounting Standard FastTab.

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Enable lease accounting standard Select to use the ASC 842 or IFRS 16 lease accounting standards in your billing schedules.
Lease accounting standard

Select the lease accounting standard you want to use, ASC 842 or IFRS 16.

If you have already created journal entries with one of the accounting standards then you will not able to change your accounting standard.


Select the type of lease:

  • Sales type lease
  • Direct financing lease
  • Operating lease
  • Exempt lease: Select the exempt type for the item where the recognition exemption is applied. For example, if you have a low value asset or short-term lease or non-lease components.
Payment option

Select the type of payment option:

  • Advanced: Payment is received at the start of the lease period.
  • Arrears: Payment is received at the end of the lease period.
Post lease journal automatically

Select to post your lease journal entry or asset return journal automatically or manually.

  • Yes: Your lease journal entry or asset return journal is posted automatically.
  • No: You have to manually post your lease journal entry or asset return journal.
Lease asset return reason code Select the termination reason code you want to use when you create an asset return.
Default journal name Select the default journal name for the initial journal entry and asset return journal that are created for leases.
Deferral enabled Select to turn on deferrals for your lease journal entries and asset return journals.

Custom Fields

This tab is available when Custom fields is turned on.

Custom fields allow a company to add company-specific information to billing schedule headers or lines. Up to 50 custom header fields and 50 custom line fields can be added. Values for the custom fields can be added to the billing schedule, and then are updated on the sales order after it is created from the Invoice Creator. The addition of custom fields can affect the consolidation functionality on the Invoice Creator. For more information, see Custom Fields.

When creating custom fields, remember the following: 

  • If you want to use custom fields for both Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations and Subscription Billing, create all custom fields that you want to use in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations before creating custom fields for Subscription Billing.
  • If you want the custom field to be on the billing schedule only, and not be updated to the sales order during the invoice creation process, create a Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations custom field for that data. All custom fields created in Subscription Billing are always updated on the sales order after using the Invoice Creator.

For more information about custom fields, see the Microsoft documentation: Create and work with custom fields.

Add Custom Fields

To add a custom field, follow these steps: 

  1. On the Parameters page, go to the General tab, go to the Custom Fields Setup section and set Custom fields to Yes.
  2. Select the Fields tab and select Create new field.
  3. In the Create new field dialog, do the following: 
    1. Select the Table name, which corresponds to whether you want to create a custom header field or a custom line field.
    2. Specify the Name prefix, and select the data Type.
      The Field name is automatically updated with a value to represent the field name in a data table.
    3. Specify the Label that appears on the page and the Help text for the custom field.
    4. If the data type of the custom field is a Picklist, specify the options in the order that you want them to appear on the page. Currently, the order of the options cannot be changed.
  4. Select Save.
  5. After the custom field is saved, it appears in the Custom fields list with a custom field identifier (UDF Id). The custom field identifier is the underlying field name of the custom field and is automatically assigned in numerical order.

  6. Repeat these steps to add more custom fields.

After custom fields are added, values can be assigned to them on the billing schedule and the associated sales order by using the Custom fields action on the Billing Schedules or pages.

Edit or Delete Custom Fields

Custom fields can be edited or deleted only if they are not used by a billing schedule or sales order.

  • The custom field label and data type can be edited, but the name prefix cannot.
  • When editing a custom field that has a picklist, only options can be added regardless of whether the custom field is used. Picklist options cannot be deleted.
  • If you want to edit the options in a custom field that has a picklist, you must delete the existing custom field, and then create it with the updated options. This type of situation can happen if a mistake was made in the picklist options.
  • When a custom field is deleted, the custom field identifier becomes available for use when the next custom field is created. For example, 10 custom fields have been created with custom field identifiers UDF_1 to UDF_10. When UDF_3 is deleted, the custom field identifier UDF_3 is assigned to the next custom field that is created.

Deactivate Custom Fields

You can activate or deactivate custom fields. When custom fields are deactivated they will not be used or displayed in various pages. For example, you have the following custom fields set up in your Subscription Billing Parameters:

  • CustomField_01
  • CustomField_02
  • CustomField_03

And you have deactivated CustomField_03. When you go to an existing billing schedule, for example, and open the Custom fields dialog, CustomField_03 will not be displayed.

When a custom field is deactivated, you cannot edit it in the Custom fields section of your Subscription Billing Parameters. Deactivated custom fields are not deleted and you can still only have up to 50 custom header fields and 50 custom line fields.

Activated custom fields will be used and displayed on relevant pages. You can activate custom fields at any time.

To deactivate a custom field, do the following:

  1. Go to Advanced Subscription Management ParametersCustom fields.
  2. Under the Add new custom fields FastTab, select the custom fields you want to deactivate. You can select multiple custom fields at once.
  3. Select Deactivate.
  4. Select Save.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Add New Custom Fields
Custom Fields List

Shows a list of all available custom fields for the selected type. The list shows the following information: 

  • Custom field identifier (UDF_#, where # is 1 to 50). This read-only value is automatically assigned to the custom field after it is created.
  • The underlying field name in the table and data type.
  • The label of the field as it appears on the page.
  • For a selected picklist, the options available.

Edits to the custom fields are performed in the list.

Deactivated Displays whether or not the custom field is active.

Create New Field dialog

This dialog appears when Create new field is selected.

Table name

Select the type of custom field you want to add: 

  • Billing schedule header
  • Billing schedule line
Name prefix Specify the prefix for the underlying name of the custom field.

Select the data type for the field: 

  • Text
  • Number
  • Decimal
  • Date
  • Date time
  • Picklist
  • Checkbox
Label Specify the visible label for the custom field. This label is what the end user sees in the user interface.
Field name Displays the underlying field name for the custom field. This value is read-only and is automatically updated based on the name prefix and uses the format: NamePrefix_Custom.
Help text Specify the help text for the custom field. This text appears when you pause the mouse pointer over the label of the custom field.
Custom fields audit
Deactivation date Displays the date and time when the custom field was deactivated.
Deactivated by Displays the user who deactivated the custom field.
Activation date Displays the date and time when the custom field was activated.
Activated by Displays the user who activated the custom field.
Custom large text fields
Field ID Displays the field ID.
Field Name Displays the field name.
Label Enter a descriptive label for the custom field.


The following field boxes are available: 

Action Description
Create new field

Opens a dialog where you create the custom field.

Delete Deletes the selected custom field. Fields that are currently in use cannot be deleted.
Activate Activates the selected custom field. Activated custom fields are available to use in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations environment.
Deactivate Deactivates the selected custom field. Deactivated custom fields are not available to use in your Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations environment.

Invoice Split

This tab is available when Invoice split is turned on.

You can split invoices using five methods.

  • Split by item
  • Split by item group
  • Split by customer reference
  • Split by customer requisition
  • Split by delivery address.

If you have turned on any of these options, then they will be used when you generate invoices.

You can select any activated custom fields of billing schedule lines to use when splitting invoices. You can add up five custom fields to use when splitting invoices.

Note icon. Note: Deactivated custom fields will not be available to select.

This option will be used along with Invoice split option present on the Billing Schedule Group. The default Invoice split settings are determined by how you set them up on the Billing Schedule Group page.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Split by item

Split the invoice based on the items in the invoice. Each item is allocated a portion of the total invoice amount.

Split by item group

Split the invoice based on the item groups in the invoice. Each item group is allocated a portion of the total invoice amount.

Split by customer reference

Split the invoice based on customer references included in the invoice. Each customer reference is allocated a portion of the total invoice amount.

Split by custom requisition

Split the invoice based on customer requisitions associated with the invoice. Each customer requisition is allocated a portion of the total invoice amount.

Split by delivery address

Split the invoice based on delivery addresses associated with the invoice. Each delivery address for the items in the invoice is allocated a portion of the total invoice amount.

Number Sequences

Use this tab to select the default sales order number sequence for sales orders created from the Invoice Creator. To create a number sequence specifically for sales orders that are created from Subscription Billing, generate the number sequence in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Select Automatic Number Sequence

To select the number sequence for sales orders created from the Invoice Creator, do the following: 

  1. Select the Sequence number tab.
  2. For the Reference you want to set, check that the Number sequence code has a value.
    • If the number sequence code is empty, you must generate the number sequence for the Reference number you want.
      For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations documentation.
    • If the number sequence has a value, continue to the next step.
  3. Select Save.


This tab is available when Portal is turned on.

Payments (FastTab) Fields

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Payments Fields Setup
Method of payment Select the method of payment to use.
Payment description Enter a description of the payment you select.
Payments Fee Setup
Fee ID Select the fee ID to use.

Subscription (FastTab) Fields

The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Subscription Hold Setup
Adjust schedule

Turn on to adjust billing schedules when you place them on hold.

  • Yes: Billing schedules periods are not displayed after the date when the schedules are put on hold.
  • No: Billing schedules periods not displayed after the date when the schedules are put on hold.
Hold reasons Select the hold reason code.
Subscription Termination Setup
Issue credit Turn on to be able to create a credit notes when a subscription is terminated.
Terminate reasons

Select the termination reason code.

CE Integration

This tab is available when CE integration is turned on.


The following field boxes are available: 

Field Description
Billing schedule number prefix Enter a prefix for billing schedules which are created using the CE integration.