
Locations are a standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central feature. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

Location Entity Example

The owner entity for the location WEST is SALES.

On the Sales Invoice page, the following transaction is created: 

  • The header entity is ADM.
  • The line entity is PROD.
Entity Code ADM Contact Robert Townes Due Date May 8, 2019
Customer Name Adatum Corporation Posting Date April 8, 2019 Allocation Template  
Entity Code Type No. Description Allocation Template Location Code Quantity
PROD Item 1900-S PARIS Guest Chair, black   WEST 1

The preview of the General Ledger entries is as follows: 

Department Code Posting Date G/L Account No. Description Amount Bal. Account Type
SALES April 8, 2019 10700 Direct Cost 100000 on April 8, 2019 -150.30 G/L Account
SALES April 8, 2019 10600 Due From ADM 150.30 G/L Account
ADM April 8, 2019 10300 Due To SALES -150.30 G/L Account
PROD April 8, 2019 50100 Direct Cost 100000 on April 8, 2019 150.30 G/L Account
ADM April 8, 2019 10200 Due From PROD 150.30 G/L Account
PROD April 8, 2019 10100 Due To ADM -150.30 G/L Account
  • The entity for the inventory account is SALES (based on the owner entity of the location).
  • Because the entity of the inventory account (SALES) is different from the header entity (ADM), intercompany distributions are processed.

Location List

Use this page to review the list of locations in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. Only the records that belong to the entities to which you have access appear in the list.

Location List Fields

This list contains the following MEM columns:

Field Description
Entity Code

Displays the owner entity assigned to the record.

Location Card

Use this page to create and edit location records

Assign the Owner Entity to a Location

To assign the owner entity to a location, follow the steps in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation for creating or editing a location record, and incorporate the following step:  

  1. Select the Entity Code for the record.
  2. After the entity is assigned, MEM security is applied to the record. Access to the record is based on user-entity permission. When you assign the entity to the record, the change is reflected on the MEM Master Security page.

Tip: If you have several records that are not assigned to entities, use the MEM Master Security page.

Note icon. Note: If you change the owner entity for a record, the new entity has access to the record. However, the previous entity access is remains on the MEM Master Security page.

Assign Entity Security to a Location

To assign entity security to a location record, follow the steps in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation for creating or editing a location record, and incorporate the following steps: 

  1. Select Actions > MEM Assign Entity Security.
  2. On the MEM Master Security page, check that the Direction, Master Records, and corresponding record field are updated with the values you want.
  3. These fields are automatically updated based on the selected record and cannot be changed.

  4. In the Destination Lines, select one or more entities for the relationship.
  5. For new records, your default entity or the first entity (if no default entity is selected) in the list is automatically assigned to the record.

  6. Close the MEM Master Security page to return to the card page for the record.

Location Card Fields

This page contains the following MEM fields: 

Field Description
Entity Code

Select the owner entity for the record. You can select any entity, even the entities to which you do not have access.

The default value is your default entity that you selected in My Settings. If you did not set up the default entity, this field is blank.

Intercompany Entity

Select the entity to be use for intercompany trade transactions for the location record.

Note icon. Note: If intercompany transactions exist for the location record, this value cannot be edited or deleted.

For more information on intercompany trade, see Intercompany Trade Workflow.


This page contains the following MEM actions: 

Button Description
MEM Assign Entity Security

Opens the MEM Master Security page where you assign entities to the record.

When you select this action, the following header fields on the MEM Master Security are automatically updated as follows and cannot be changed: 

  • Direction is set to Master
  • Master Records is set to Location
  • Location is set to the record on this page
Dimension Opens the Default Dimensions page for the location currently displayed. The entity code on the Default Dimensionspage is read-only and is updated from the main Location Card page.