Split by Item Group: Examples

Review the following examples to better understand the item group functionality.

Customer Case

In this example, the setup is as follows:

  • On the Advanced Recurring Contract Billing Parameters page, Split by item group is selected and Unique schedule type is Customer.
  • The following item groups have been created: PREFIX, DATAHUB, and SPP.
  • Customer US-001 has multiple billing schedules where the item group is PREFIX or DATAHUB.
  • Customer US-002 has multiple billing schedules where the item group is PREFIX or SPP.
Billing Schedule Number Customer Item Group
SCH004 US-002 SPP

Customer US-001 purchases a renewal item with item group PREFIX. This transaction is a new sales order: 

Sales Order # Customer Main Item Renewal Item Renewal Item Group Billing Schedule Number
#0001 US-001 D0001 D0002 PREFIX SCH001

When the invoice for the sales order is posted, the renewal item is automatically added to the existing billing schedule (SCH001) for the customer. This billing schedule uses the item group PREFIX. All renewal items that have the same item group are put into the same billing schedule.

Billing Schedule Number Customer Item Group
Schedule Number Customer Renewal Item
SCH001 US-001 D0002

Customer US-001 purchases a renewal item with item group SPP. This transaction is a new sales order: 

Sales Order # Customer Main Item Renewal Item Renewal Item Group Billing Schedule Number
#0002 US-001 D0003 D0004 SPP  

Currently, customer US-001 does not have a billing schedule that uses the item group SPP. As a result, a new billing schedule is created: 

Billing Schedule Number Customer Item Group
SCH005 US-001 SPP
Schedule Number Customer Renewal Item
SCH005 US-001 D0004

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Multiple Billing Schedules, Same End User and Customer

In this example, the setup is as follows:

Customer Account End User Account
US-001 US-221

Multiple billing schedules are created for the customer and end user combination. With Split by item group selected on the Advanced Recurring Contract Billing Parameters page multiple billing schedules for the same customer and end user relationship can be created.

Billing Schedule Number Customer End User Account Header Item Group
SCH005 US-001 US-221 IG1
SCH006 US-001 US-221 IG2
SCH007 US-001 US-221 IG3

On the Item Setup page, create support and renewal item relationships.

Item Code Item Relation Support Item Renewal Item Renewal Item Group
Table D001 ITEM27 D007 IG1
Table D002 ITEM28 D005 IG2
Table D003 ITEM29 D006 IG1

A sales order with items are from the Item Setup page are created for customer US-001. When creating the sales order, you can open the Support and Renewal Process page and specify the End user account and specify any other information for the renewal item.

When the invoice for the transaction is created and posted, different billing schedules are created for the customer-end user and item group combination. More than one line in the same sales order can be assigned to the same billing schedule.

Sales Order # Customer End User Account Main Item Support Item Renewal Item Billing Schedule Number
#0001 US-001 US-221 D001 ITEM27 D007 SCH005
#0001 US-001 US-221 D002 ITEM28 D005 SCH006
#0001 US-001 US-221 D003 ITEM29 D006 SCH005

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