In this article
Reverse Termination
Modules > Property lease management > Leases > All Leases > [select a lease] > Reverse termination
Modules > Property lease management > Leases > All Leases > [select a lease] > Charges > Termination > Reverse termination
Use this page to reverse the termination for the selected lease or charge. When you open the page, the list shows the termination history of the lease or charge.
After the termination is reversed, the following occurs:
- The lease or charge status is updated to Active.
- All ends dates for the lowest level revert back to the original end dates prior to termination.
- A reverse termination journal entry is created if there is a termination journal entry.
- If an asset return journal entry exists, and the charge is terminated and then reversed, then a journal for the asset return reversal is created.
- For reversals of a charge termination:
- A new audit line is created to show the termination is reversed.
- The amortization table is updated with the values before the termination.
- You can make changes and modifications to the charge.
The termination of a lease or charge cannot be reversed if any of the following is true:
- The deposit was returned when the lease was terminated (Return deposit is Yes on the Move Out Wizard)
- An invoice for the remaining charges is created at the time the lease is terminated (Invoice remaining is Yes on the Move Out Wizard or Mass Termination)
- A one-time termination charge is applied at the time the lease is terminated (Apply termination charge is Yes on the Move Out Wizard or Mass Termination)
- The meter that was previously used by the lease has been reassigned to a different lease.
- The financial or operating expense lease that was terminated used the lease component functionality.
Reverse a Termination
To reverse the termination of a lease, follow these steps:
- From the All Leases View, select a lease that has a lease status of Terminated.
- Select Reverse termination > Reverse termination.
- Review the details of the lease termination to make sure you want to reverse the termination.
- Select Reverse termination.
- The Removal date is updated with the current date.
- Close the page.
In particular, ensure that Allow reverse termination is selected. If it is not selected, the termination cannot be reversed.
The lease status is active and can be edited.
Reverse a Termination of a Charge
To reverse the termination of a charge of a lease, follow these steps:
- From the All Leases View, select the lease you would like to modify.
- Under Charges, select the charge you would like to reverse.
- On the Charges action tab, select Termination > Reverse termination.
- Review the details of the charge termination to make sure you want to reverse the termination.
- Select Reverse termination.
- The Removal date is updated with the current date.
- Close the page.
In particular, ensure that Allow reverse termination is selected. If it is not selected, the termination cannot be reversed.
The charge status is active and can be edited.
This page contains the following fields:
Field | Description |
Termination date | Displays the date on which the lease or charge was terminated. |
User | Displays the user ID who terminated the lease or charge. |
Action date | Displays the date on which the lease or charge termination was processed in Property Lease Management. |
Reason code | Displays the reason code used for terminating the lease or charge. |
Removal user | Displays the user ID who reversed the lease or charge termination. |
Removal date | Displays the date on which the lease or charge termination was removed. |
Allow reverse termination |
Indicates whether the termination of the lease or charge can be reversed:
Note: If this check box is selected, and the termination can be reversed, some work before reversing the termination might be required. For example, a meter that was attached to this lease is attached to a different lease. To be able to reverse the termination for this lease, the meter must be made available first, which would mean, terminating the other lease. |
This page contains the following buttons:
Button | Description |
Reverse termination | Reverses the lease or charge termination. When the process is finished, the Removal user and Date columns are updated in the table. |