API: Power BI

Power BI endpoints are used for generating reports for all billing schedule records. To ensure that the most current data is updated for this API, execute the Refresh API Data action from the SBS ARED Deferral Schedules List as part of a job queue that is scheduled at a frequency (e.g., hourly, daily, or weekly) suitable for your business needs.

Tip: For the most current and complete API information in Subscription Billing, run the following GET command.

GET Metadata for Deferral Schedules
GET https://api.businesscentral.dynamics.com/v2.0/dd24e63d-2131-4bd0-bdd5-570c473ba440/api/binarystream/ared/beta/$metadata

When to Use

As a best practice, use these endpoints for generating forecast, detail, or summary reports for all deferral schedule data.

API Setup information
Deferral Balance Detail PBI API
Object ID: 23066453
Collection: BssiAREDDefBalDtls
Decline Balance PBI API
Object ID: 23066457
Collection: BssiAREDDeclineBalances
Deferral Revenue Waterfall PBI API
Object ID: 23066458
Collection: BssiAREDDefRevWaterfalls

The following pages are affected by this resource: 

Generate a Deferral Balance Detailed Report

Generates the deferral balance detailed report


  • GET /BssiAREDDefBalDtls

Generate a Deferred Revenue Declining Balance Report

Generates the deferred revenue declining balance report


  • GET /BssiAREDDeclineBalances

Generate a Deferred Revenue Waterfall Report

Generates the deferred revenue waterfall report


  • GET /BssiAREDDefRevWaterfalls