SBS ARED Archived Deferral Schedules

Use this page to view all archived deferral schedules.

You archive deferral schedules on the SBS ARED Deferral Schedules page or the SBS ARED Batch Archive Process page.

View Deferral Schedule Details

View the details of a deferral schedule that has been archived: 

  1. From the SBS ARED Archived Deferral Schedules list, select a line and select View.
  2. Review the deferral schedule, and select Close when you are finished.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description

Displays the deferral schedule number.

Deferral Amount

Displays the deferral amount.

Recognition Type

Displays the recognition type.

Schedule Status

Displays the status of the deferral schedule.

Recognition Type

Displays the recognition type.

Transaction Type

Displays the transaction type.


Displays the description of the transaction.

Item No.

Displays the item number.

Deferral Amount

Displays the deferral amount.

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