View Billing Detail

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > All billing schedules > [select a billing schedule] > Billing schedule lines [select a line] > View billing detail

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > Active billing schedules > [select a billing schedule] > Billing schedule lines [select a line] > View Billing detail

Use this page to view the details of a billing schedule line item. Many of the values on this page are automatically generated based on the alignment date from the Support and Renewal Process page. If needed, you can override some of these values.

Note icon. Note: The alignment date can make the first year either shorter or longer than a year.

For items that are part of a revenue split, the options on this page are read-only.

Review Schedule Details

To review the details of a line within a billing schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. From the Billing Schedules page, view an existing billing schedule.
  2. In the Billing schedule lines FastTab, select a line, and select View billing detail.
  3. On the View Billing Detail page, you can review the details for the selected line.
  4. As needed, you can change the following: 
    1. Consumption quantity (for usage items only)
    2. Unit price
    3. Discount
    4. New amount
  5. If the quantity or unit price of an item is changed , the unbilled revenue journal entry is reversed and it is recalculated with the new amount based on a recalculation date.

  6. When you select a line from the list, you can view additional information in the Line details.
  7. Select Save.

Estimating Consumption

Estimating the consumption of a usage item is typically used for forecasting and revenue allocation-based calculations.

To view the estimatedconsumption of unbilled periods, follow these steps:

  1. From the Billing Schedules page, view an existing billing schedule.
  2. In the Billing Schedule Lines FastTab, select a line that as a usage item type and review the Line Details.
  3. In the General tab, specify an Estimated consumption value and select View billing detail.
  4. On the View Billing Detail page, the estimated consumption amount is applied to all subsequent unbilled periods. All lines are recalculated based on the estimated consumption amount.

    When reviewing the estimated amounts, you can edit the lines for the unbilled periods as needed. However, if you skip lines and edit the estimated consumption for a subsequent line, the skipped lines are treated as if the actual reading or consumption has been entered. ClosedView example.

    For example, the estimated consumption is applied for lines for 12 billing periods (January to December). When reviewing and editing the lines, the billing lines for January, February, and March are skipped. The line for April has been edited. In this case, the billing lines for January, February, and March will be treated as if the reading or consumption amounts are the actual amounts, and the estimated consumption value will be cleared.

    Editing the current reading or consumed quantity for a line, clears the estimated consumption value, and the invoice for the line can be created.

  5. After you are finished reviewing the estimated consumption, close the page.

Header Fields

This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Billing schedule number Displays the billing schedule number.
Item number Displays the item number for the billing schedule line.
Product name Displays the product name.
Initial reading Displays the initial reading for a metered item.
Billing code

Displays the billing code for the line.

Description Displays the description of the billing code.
Total net amount Displays the total net amount of all lines displayed.

Billing Line Details

The billing line details show a list of the billing periods.

Field Description
Billing start date Displays the billing start date.
Billing end date Displays the billing end date.
Previous reading Displays the previous reading for a metered item.
Current reading Displays the previous reading for a metered item. This value can be edited for usage items that have a Reading reading option.
Estimated quantity

Displays the estimated consumption amount from the Billing Schedules page. This value is used when estimating the net amount for future billing periods.

This value can be changed at anytime for the only billing periods in which the invoices have not been created and posted.

This value is cleared for lines in which the invoice has already been created or for lines where the current reading or consumed quantity have been manually edited.

Consumed quantity

Displays the actual quantity consumed for the billing line. This value can be edited for usage items that have a Consumption reading option.

Quantity entered Displays the quantity entered for the line.
Free quantity Displays the free quantity for the line.
Billable quantity Displays the billable quantity for the line. This value is calculated by subtracting the free quantity from the quantity entered.
Unit price Displays the unit price for the item.
Discount Displays the discount that is applied to the item.
Net amount

Displays the net amount, which is a calculated value. Read-only.

For items that are not included in the top billing items, this value is zero (0.00).

Credit amount Displays the total credit amount for the line.
Termination credit amount Displays the total termination credit amount for the line.
Period revenue

Displays the calculated period revenue value, which is calculated based on the quantity per billing period:
(Contact Revenue / Total Quantity) * Period Quantity.

Available when Multiple Element Revenue Allocation is installed and used.


Indicates whether the line has been billed.

If a sales order has been canceled, the check box is cleared, and the billing detail can be created again. For audit information on a billing schedule, review the Audit tab on the Billing Schedules page.

Sales order Displays the sales order number.
Free text Displays the free text invoice number.
Invoice proposal Displays the invoice proposal number. Available only when the billing schedule has a project ID.

Displays the invoice number.

For information regarding Default financial dimension on Main account, see the Default financial dimensions on the Main account

Also review the Default financial dimensions : Examples

Invoice date Displays the date the invoice was processed.
Original support

Indicates that the item is a support item on a sales order and that the invoice was created from a sales order, not a billing schedule.

The support item of the line is the same as the support item number on the Support and Renewal Process page.

Unbilled revenue journal Displays the number for the journal entry that is processed after the invoice for the short-term and long-term unbilled revenue amounts has been created.
Deferral start date Displays the deferral start date for the line item.
Deferral end date Displays the deferral end date for the line item.
Customer reference Displays the reference text for the line after the sales invoice is posted.
Comments Displays the comment made for the billing schedule line.

Line details

The line details shows the details for the selected billing line from the Billing Line Details FastTab.

Field Description
Price Detail tab

Displays the price details for the selected item: 

  • From quantity
  • To quantity
  • Unit price
  • Bill quantity
  • Net amount
  • Billing Quantity
  • Net Amount
Comments tab

Displays comments for the selected item. You can also add a comment as needed: 

  • Price comment
  • If a line has a Net amount of zero (0.00) and the top billing feature is used, the item is not included in the top billing items and is not billable on the invoice.

  • Min/max difference
  • Comment
Deferral tab

Displays the following information for the selected deferral item: 

  • Deferral start and end dates
  • Revenue deferral schedule number
  • Discount deferral schedule number
  • Consumption deferral schedule number

When Align deferral to billing is set to Yes on the Advanced Recurring Contract Billing Parameters page, the default deferral start and end date are the same as the billing start and end dates.

The View all button shows a list of all associated deferral schedules.

Audit tab Displays changes to the billing line.
Invoice tab

Displays a list of all invoices and credit notes for the sales order invoice or free text invoice that was created for the line. The columns that appear depend on the transaction type. Some of the information includes the following:

  • Invoice number, account, currency, and amount
  • For sales order invoices: sales order number number, date, and journal voucher number
  • For free text invoices shows: accounting status, correction status, indicator of whether the document has been posted

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This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Stubs the selected rows.

If any of the selected items cannot be stubbed, this button is not available.

Reverse stub

Reverses the stub on the selected rows.

If any of the selected items cannot be reversed, this button is not available.

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