Remove Termination

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > Billing schedules > [select Remove termination]

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Billing schedules > Billing schedules > [select a billing schedule] > [select a billing schedule line] > [select Remove termination]

Use this action to remove a termination on a billing schedule or a billing schedule line. After the termination is removed from the billing schedule or billing schedule line, the status is changed to Active.

Note icon. Note: To remove a termination for a billing schedule line, you must remove the refund first. However, if an invoice has already been created for a sales order refund, you cannot remove the termination for the billing schedule line.

Remove a Termination

Remove a termination from a billing schedule: 

  1. In the Billing Schedules page, in the list of all billing schedules, select the Schedule number of the billing schedule from which you want to remove a termination.
  2. Select Remove termination.
  3. Select Yes to confirm that you want to remove the termination.

Remove a termination from a billing schedule line: 

  1. In the Billing Schedules page, in the list of all billing schedules, select the Schedule number of the billing schedule from which you want to remove a termination.
  2. In the Billing schedule lines, select the line you from which you want to remove the termination.
  3. Select Remove termination.
  4. Select Yes to confirm that you want to remove the termination.

Credit adjustment

If a credit adjustment amount is included on an invoice, the termination of a line cannot be reversed. If an invoice that includes any credit adjustment amount has not been created (the sales order for the credit amount can be created, but not the invoice), the termination for a billing schedule line can be reversed. The sales order for the credit amount must be deleted, and then the termination can be removed from the line.

When reversing the termination of a line that was terminated with a credit adjustment, the following occurs: 

  • The line that has the credit adjustment is deleted.
  • All future billing periods for the billing schedule are recreated. The date of the first billing period that is recreated is the next date after the end date of the last billing period (i.e., end date of previous billing period + 1).
    The creation of the future billing periods are also determined by settings of the Prorate partial period and Align to month options.
  • The billing schedule line status is changes from Terminated to Active.