Billing Schedule Group

Modules > Advanced recurring contract billing > Setup > Billing schedule group

Use this page to create a billing schedule group (or class) for ARCB. The billing schedule group, has all the default settings that you want to apply to billing schedules that are associated with the group.

When a billing schedule group is applied to newly created billing schedules, the default values of the group are automatically applied to the billing schedule. If needed, you can change any of the default options for the specific billing schedule that you create.

You select the default billing schedule group on the Advanced Recurring Contract Billing Parameters page

The top of the page allows you to apply a filter value so that you can see only the records that match the filter you enter.

Create Billing Schedule Group

To create a billing schedule group, follow these steps: 

  1. Choose New.
  2. Specify a unique Billing schedule group identifier and Description.
  3. Select the Frequency and Billing interval.
  4. Select the Pricing method and Item type.
  5. If the Item type you selected is Usage, select the Usage reading option.

  6. Select any optional features:
    1. For the Milestone feature, select the Milestone template.
    2. In Invoice separately, select whether you want to be able to have both separate and consolidated customer invoices.
    3. Select whether billing schedules that use this billing schedule group Auto renew when the contract finishes. Also, specify how many Lines to add per renewal.
    4. Select whether Escalations can be applied to the billing schedule lines.
  7. Select Save.

Delete Billing Schedule Group

To delete a billing schedule group, follow these steps: 

  1. From the list of billing schedule groups, select the group you want to delete.
  2. Select Delete.
  3. When you are asked to confirm the deletion, select Yes.

Edit Billing Schedule Group

To edit a billing schedule group, follow these: 

  1. Select the line you want to edit.
  2. Select Edit.
  3. Make the necessary changes, and select Save.

If the billing schedule group has any billing schedules associated with it, you cannot change any of the default values of the group. To make any changes to a billing schedule group, edit the associated billing schedules so that they are associated with a different billing schedule group.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Billing schedule group

Specify a unique billing schedule group identifier.


Specify a description for the billing schedule group.

Frequency Select the default frequency for a billing schedule associated with this group: Onetime, Daily, Monthly, Quarterly, Semiannually, or Annually.
Billing interval

Specify the billing interval you want to use.

Pricing method

Select the default pricing method for items in a billing schedule: 

  • Standard:  Calculates the unit price based on the total quantity entered and is based on the existing Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations functionality.
  • Flat: Applies a flat price to the original item price.
  • Tier: Calculates unit price using fixed quantity at different pricing brackets. Each tier must be filled before moving to the next pricing tier bracket. For more information, see Pricing Methods.
  • Flat Tier: Calculates unit price using fixed quantity and extended price amounts for different pricing brackets. The price that is charged in a billing period uses the extended price that corresponds to the tier where the billing quantity exists. For more information, see Pricing Methods.
Item type

Select the type for the item: 

  • Standard: Select for use with static quantity.
  • Usage: Select for metered or usage type items.
  • Milestone: Select to use the Milestone Billing functionality.
Usage reading option

Select the usage reading option: 

  • Reading: The value on the meter is the value you enter for a billing period. The consumed value is automatically calculated based on the reading from the previous billing period and the current reading you entered.
  • Consumption: The value consumed is the value you enter for a billing period.

This option is used for items when Item type is Usage.


This option is used when Item type is Usage.

Invoice separately

Select whether to create separate invoices based on the customer.

  • Yes: You can create a combination of consolidated invoices and separate invoices for the same customer. For example, a customer have five contracts. Three of the contracts are to be consolidated on a single invoice, and the other two contracts each require separate invoices.
  • No: Only one consolidated invoice is created for the customer.
Auto renew

Select whether to automatically renew the recurring contract billing schedule for the next billing period: 

  • Yes: The billing schedule is automatically renewed for the next billing period when you create an invoice.
  • No: The billing schedule is not automatically renewed. You must manually renew the billing schedule.
Lines to add per renewal

Specify the number of lines to add to a billing schedule renewal.


Select the default setting for whether escalations can be applied to billing schedule lines: 

  • Yes: Escalations can be applied to lines within a billing schedules associated with this billing schedule group. Default.
  • When this option is selected, you can set up the escalations for the billing schedule lines on the Escalation and Discount page.

  • No: Escalations cannot applied to lines within a billing schedules associated with this billing schedule group.

If needed, you can change the setting in the Billing Schedules page.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description

Saves the record and any changes to the page.

New Adds a line where you can create a billing schedule group.

Deletes the selected record or line.

Note icon. Note: If a billing schedule group is associated with a billing schedule, you cannot delete it.