Modify Schedule

Modules > Advanced revenue & expense deferrals > Deferral schedules > All deferral schedules > [select a deferral schedule] > [select Accounting > Modify schedule]

Use this page to modify the deferral schedule lines.

Straight Line

If the deferral schedule has no recognized or stubbed lines, the whole deferral schedule, including the start date, can be modified.

If the deferral schedule has any recognized or stubbed lines and you modify the deferral schedule, the resulting behavior of the deferral schedule depends on the Recalculation date and the deferral end date of recognized lines: 

  • After all recognized lines: The amount after all recognized lines is recalculated.
  • Before with Reversal: Any lines after the recalculation date are reversed using the specified journal name and posting date. The amount after the recalculation date is then recalculated.
  • Before with True up: Any lines after the recalculation date are recalculated. However, any lines that have already been recognized are not reversed. Instead, the difference goes into the deferral schedule line after the last recognized line, which may result in a deferral schedule line with a negative amount.

If a template is used then the skipped periods are ignored, and the template is used only to calculate the end date.


For an event-based deferral schedule, all unrecognized lines can be modified. The validation used on the Transaction Deferral page is the same validation that is used to validate the lines on this form.

If recognized or stubbed lines exist, the template and allocation type for the deferral schedule cannot be modified. Also, when modifying an existing deferral schedule, you cannot change the value for Create separate events per unit.

If a line is recognized or stubbed, the Recognized check box is selected.

Modify Schedule

To modify a deferral schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules form, select the deferral schedule you want, and select Accounting > Modify schedule.
  2. On the Modify Schedule page, edit any of the options that you want to change.
  3. Depending on the deferral schedule, you can edit only some of the options.

  4. Select Preview to review the changes of the deferral schedule, and then close the preview.
  5. Select OK.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Schedule Type

Select the deferral schedule type: Straight line or Event based.

Note icon. Note: If the deferral schedule has any recognized or stubbed lines, you cannot change the deferral schedule type.

Consolidate prior periods

Select whether to consolidate deferral schedule lines for prior periods.

  • Yes: If the deferral start date is in a period before the transaction date, all amounts up to and including the period of the transaction date are combined into a single deferral schedule line.
  • No: The amounts from all periods are in separate deferral schedule lines regardless of the date.

If the deferral start date is in the same or a later period as the transaction date, this option has no effect.

The default setting is from the Advanced Revenue & Expense Deferrals Parameters page.

Equal per period

Specify whether the number of days in a period is taken into consideration when calculating the amount in each period for a deferral schedule.

  • Yes: The amount for each period is the same regardless of the number of days in the period, except for partial periods (such as at the beginning or end of a deferral schedule) which will be prorated.
  • No: The amount is calculated based on the number of days in each period.

You can override this setting at the transaction level.

The default setting is from the Advanced Revenue & Expense Deferrals Parameters page.

Schedule from template

Select whether the deferral schedule is created from and based on a template.

  • Yes: The deferral schedule is based on a template. When this option is selected, you can select a Template.
  • No: The deferral schedule is not based on a template. When this option is selected, the Deferral end date is available.
Template Select the template on which you want to base the deferral schedule. Available when Schedule from template is Yes.
Deferral start date Displays the deferral schedule start date.
Deferral end date Select the deferral schedule end date. Available when Schedule from template is No.
Recalculation date Select the date on which to recalculate the deferral schedule. The default date is the next date after the most recent recognized or stubbed line.
Event Based

Displays the event based template used.

Allocation type

Displays the allocation type.

Displays a preview of the deferral schedule.

Displays a description of the deferral schedule line.

Deferral end date

Displays the end date of the deferral schedule.

Expiration date Displays the expiration date for the deferral schedule line.

Display the allocation quantity. If you update the quantity, the total quantity of all lines must be equal to or less than the quantity specified for the line item on the originating transaction.

Available when Allocation type is Variable quantity.

Note icon. Note: If the quantity of the line item on the sales order is changed to be lower than the original quantity and the invoice is created, the event-based lines that are created during the invoice creation are reduced so that the quantity does not exceed the quantity specified on the sales order.

Allocation percentage Displays the allocation percentage.
Amount Displays the deferral amount for the line.
Recognition account

Displays the account used for the recognition amount.


This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description
Start of schedule Sets the Recalculation date to the same date as the start date of the deferral schedule.

Saves any changes, and closes the page.


Cancels all changes and closes the page.

Preview Displays a preview of the deferral schedule.
See also

Modify Account