
Modules > Advanced revenue & expense deferrals > Deferral schedules > All deferral schedules > [select a deferral schedule]

Modules > Advanced revenue & expense deferrals > Deferral schedules > Active deferral schedules > [select a deferral schedule]

Use this page to review the details about a deferral schedule. The information that appears includes the deferral schedule lines and the total amounts for the deferral schedule. You can also use this page to modify the deferral schedule.

The details that are shown depend on whether the deferral schedule is a straight line or event based deferral schedule, and also on the transaction type.

Deferral schedules are created after a transaction has been posted.

Recognize Revenue

To recognize revenue for a deferral schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. From the Schedules page in the Lines grid, select the lines you want to recognize, and select Recognize.
  2. On the Recognition Processing page, set Recognition action to Create recognition journal and select the Cutoff date.
  3. The Cutoff date is the date until which to include lines. Only the lines that have an end date earlier or the same as the Cutoff date are included in the processing.

  4. Choose Select and add data filters so that only the range of records that you want appears in the list.
  5. From the lines list, select the lines that you do not want to process, and select Remove.
  6. The journal Name and Description are automatically updated with the default values. If needed change the values.
    You can select whether to summarize the recognition journal entry.
  7. For the Transaction date section, select whether to override the transaction date with a specific date to process the transaction. And you can specify the transaction date for closed periods.
  8. To process as part of a batch, select Batch, which opens the Batch processing page.
    Complete the parameters for the batch and select OK to return back to the Recognition Processing page.
    The revenue recognition is processed at a later time when the batch is processed.
  9. Select OK.
    If you did not add this transaction to a batch, all lines are processed immediately. Otherwise, the lines are processed when the batch is processed.

Modify Schedule

To modify a deferral schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules form, select the deferral schedule you want, and select Accounting > Modify schedule.
  2. On the Modify Schedule page, edit any of the options that you want to change.
  3. Depending on the deferral schedule, you can edit only some of the options.

  4. Select Preview to review the changes of the deferral schedule, and then close the preview.
  5. Select OK.

Modify Deferral or Recognition Account

To modify the deferral or recognition account for a deferral schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules form, select the deferral schedule you want, and select Accounting > Modify account.
  2. On the Modify Account page, select the account you want to change (deferral, short-term, or recognition).
  3. Select the New account.
  4. Select whether changing the account creates adjustment journal entries. If you select yes, select the Journal name and specify the Transaction date.
  5. Select OK.

Put Schedule on Hold

To put a deferral schedule on hold, follow these steps: 

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules form, select the deferral schedule you want, and select Hold > Place hold.
  2. On the Place Hold page, select whether you want to transfer the balance from the deferral account ot the hold account.
  3. If you select to transfer the balance, select the Journal name and the On hold account, and specify the Transaction date.
  4. Select OK.

Remove Hold from Schedule

Remove a deferral schedule from a hold: 

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules form, select the deferral schedule you want, and select Hold > Remove hold.
  2. The Remove Hold page opens.

  3. When this page opens, do the following: 
    1. Select the Journal name.
    2. Specify the Transaction date.
    3. Select OK.

Cancel Unrecognized Amounts

To cancel unrecognized amounts on a deferral schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules form, select the deferral schedule you want, and select Cancel > Unrecognized amounts.
  2. On the Cancel Unrecognized Amount page, select whether to Create cancellation entries.
  3. If you choose to create cancellation entries, select the Journal name and the Cancellation account, and specify the Transaction date.
  4. Select OK.

Cancel Entire Schedule

to cancel an entire deferral schedule, follow these steps: 

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules page, select the deferral schedule you want, and select Cancel > Entire Schedule.
  2. On the Cancel Entire Schedule page, select whether to Create cancellation entries.
  3. If you select to create cancellation entries, select the Journal name and the Cancellation account. Also, specify the Transaction date.
  4. Select OK.

Reverse Transactions

To reverse transactions for a deferral schedule, follow these steps:

  1. From the Schedules page in the Lines grid, select the lines you want to recognize, and select Reverse.
  2. On the Recognition Processing page, set Recognition action to Reverse recognition journal and select the Cutoff date.
  3. The Cutoff date is the date until which to include lines. Only the lines that have an end date earlier or the same as the Cutoff date are included in the processing.

  4. Choose Select and add data filters so that only the range of records that you want appears in the list.
  5. From the lines list, select the lines that you do not want to process, and select Remove.
  6. The journal Name and Description are automatically updated with the default values. If needed change the values.
    You can select whether to summarize the recognition journal entry.
  7. For the Transaction date section, select whether to override the transaction date with a specific date to process the transaction. And you can specify the transaction date for closed periods.
  8. To process as part of a batch, select Batch, which opens the Batch processing page.
    Complete the parameters for the batch and select OK to return back to the Recognition Processing page.
    The revenue recognition is processed at a later time when the batch is processed.
  9. Select OK.
    If you did not add this transaction to a batch, all lines are processed immediately. Otherwise, the lines are processed when the batch is processed.

Apply or Unapply a Credit Note

To apply a credit note, follow these steps: 

In most situations, these steps are not needed. When you create a credit note from the Sales Order Transaction Deferral page, and set Adjust existing schedule to Yes, the credit not is automatically applied to the schedule when the credit note is posted.

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules form, select the deferral schedule you want.
  2. In the Credit adjustments lines, select a line and select Apply.
  3. On the Apply Credit Note (Deferrals) page, specify the Recalculation date and End date as needed.
  4. In the Header list, select the Sales order that has credit notes you want to review and process.
  5. In the Lines list, select the line you want to process.
  6. Select OK.
  7. When you are asked to confirm the action, select Yes.

Note icon. Note: To apply a credit note to several individual items from different invoices, you must repeat these steps.

To unapply a credit note, follow these steps: 

  1. From the All Deferral Schedules list or the Schedules page, select the deferral schedule you want.
  2. In the Credit adjustments lines, select the Invoice you want and select Unapply.
  3. When you are asked to confirm the action, select Yes.


This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Deferral schedule number

Displays the deferral schedule number.

Schedule status

Displays the status of the deferral schedule.

Schedule type

Displays the deferral schedule type.

Allocation type For event-based deferrals, displays the allocation type: Percentage or Amount.
Description Displays a description for the deferral schedule.
Reclassification date

Displays the most recent date on which the short-term reclassification for a deferral schedule is processed. This date is updated each time the Event Short-Term Reclassification Processing is used for the deferral schedule.

Available only when the short-term deferral method used is rolling periods or fixed year.

Deferral account Displays the account used for the deferral amount.
Recognition account

Displays the account used for the recognition amount.

Recognition type Displays the recognition type.
Distribution type Displays the distribution type. For information purposes only.
Creation source

Displays the source from which the transaction was created.

Transaction type

Displays the transaction type.

Sales order

Displays the sales order number.

Invoice Displays the invoice number.

Displays the item number.

Billing Schedule
Billing schedule number Displays the number of the corresponding billing schedule. Select the link to view the Billing Schedules page.
Billing line status Displays the status of corresponding the billing schedule line item.
External references Displays the information for external references from the billing schedule: External and Line number.

Displays the following amount totals for the deferral schedule: 

  • Long-term (sum total of the long-term deferred amounts)
    Available when Short-term deferral method is None on the Advanced Revenue & Expense Deferrals Parameters page, or the short-term amount is greater than zero.
  • Short-term ( sum total of the short-term deferred amounts)
    Available when Short-term deferral method is None on the Advanced Revenue & Expense Deferrals Parameters page, or the short-term amount is greater than zero.
  • Unrecognized (sum total of the unrecognized amount for all lines)
  • Stubbed (sum total of the stubbed amount for all lines)
  • Recognized (sum total of the recognized amount for all lines.)
  • Stubbed and recognized (sum total of the stubbed and recognized amount for all lines. )
  • Total amount ( sum total of the amount for all lines)
Schedule lines

Displays the line sequence number.

Deferral start date

Displays the start date of the deferral schedule.

Deferral end date

Displays the end date of the deferral schedule.


Displays the deferral amount.


Displays whether the line has been stubbed or not.


Displays whether the line has been recognized or not.

Recognition date

Displays the recognition date.

Journal batch number

Displays the batch number in which the amount was recognized.

Voucher Displays the voucher number for the line.
Event Description Displays a description of the event. Available for event-based deferral schedules.
Credit adjustments
Invoice Displays the invoice number.

This invoice for the credit note adjustment that has already been applied to the deferral schedule.

Applied amount Displays the credit adjustment amount that has already been applied to the deferral schedule.
Applied date Displays the date on which the credit adjustment was applied.

Displays the user ID who performed the transaction.

The adjustment values appear only if a credit memo was processed for the deferral schedule. If no credit note is processed, these values are hidden.
Adjustment amount

Displays a sum total of the adjustment amount, calculated as follows: original amount - schedule amount.

Original end date

Displays the original end date for the deferral schedule.

Original schedule amount

Displays a sum total of the original deferral schedule.


Many of the actions that you perform on this page are the same as on the All Deferral Schedules.

This page contains the following buttons: 

Button Description
Edit Allows you to edit the deferral schedule. You can modify the recognition account and description .
Recognize Opens the Recognition Processing page where you can process the selected lines to recognize the revenue.
Reverse Opens the Recognition Processing page where you can process the selected lines a reversal transaction.
Buttons Table
Modify schedule Opens the Modify Schedule page where you can select the options to modify the unrecognized portion of the deferral schedule.
Modify account Opens the Modify Account page where you can change the deferral account of a deferral schedule.
Audit trail Opens the Audit trail page where you can review the changes that occurred on a schedule.
Place hold Opens the Place Hold page where you specify the hold details and then place the deferral schedule on hold.
Remove hold Opens the Remove Hold page where you remove a hold from a deferral schedule.
Unrecognized amounts Opens the Cancel Unrecognized Amount page where you cancel unrecognized amounts for a deferral schedule.
Entire schedule Opens the Cancel Entire Schedule page where you reverse any recognized or stubbed amounts and cancel the deferral schedule to prevent further recognition.
Credit adjustment
Apply Opens the Apply Credit Note (Deferrals) page where you create and process credit note adjustments.
Unapply Unapplies the credit adjustment and reverts all options to the original deferral schedule date.