
Projects are a standard feature in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation..

Projects List

Use this page to review the list of projects in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the list shows only the records that belong to entities to which you have access.

Define the Project Number Series

When MEM is enabled and a user creates a new project, they can define the Project Number Series, which will be substituted based on the selected MEM entity. Similar to other modules, when a user creates a new document, a popup will appear, allowing them to select the entity for which the document is being created. After selecting the entity, the Number Series will update automatically to match the selected entity. This function adheres to the Number Series Security settings in the MEM Multi-Entity Management Setup.

Note: The Entity field on the Select an Entity page is only editable when the No. Series Security option is disabled in the MEM Multi-Entity Management Setup.

List Fields

This list contains the following MEM columns: 

MEM Fields
Field Description
Entity Code Displays the entity code for the line.
Global Dimension Code Displays an additional global dimension for the line.

List Actions

This page contains the following MEM action: 

Action Description

Navigate > Project Task Line

Navigate > Project > Project Task Line

Use this dialog page to review all tasks involved in the project. All tasks for the project are visible regardless of whether the you have access to the entity code to which the task belongs. When adding a task to a project, the default entity for the task is the entity code for the project, which can be changed to any entity to which you have access.

(For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.(To create tasks for a project )

The list shows the following columns: 

  • Entity Code
  • Global Dimension Code

Process > Copy Projects

Actions > Functions > Copy Projects

Use this dialog page to copy the information from the selected project to a new project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.( Set Up Projects )

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the Project No. is restricted to only the projects numbers to which you have access.

During the copy process, the entity code of the original project is copied to the new project. To ensure all dimensions are copied to the new project, on the Apply FastTab, ensure that you turn on Copy Dimensions to copy all dimension values from the source project to the new project.

Process > Create Project Sales Invoice

Actions > Functions > Create Project Sales Invoice

Opens the Project Create Sales Invoice page to create an invoice for a project or for one or more project tasks for a customer.

Navigate > Sales Invoice/Credit Memo

Navigate > Project > Sales Invoice/Credit Memo

Use this dialog page to view a list of all posted and unposted project invoices and credit memos for the selected project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.(Project Management )

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the list shows only the records that belong to entities to which you have access.

The list shows the following column: 

  • Entity Code

You can select a line to review the Sales Credit Memo or Sales Invoice.

Project > Ledger Entries

Navigate > History > Project Ledger Entries

Opens the Project Ledger page, where you can review a list of all Project ledger entries.
Actions > Functions > WIP > Calculate WIP Opens the MEM Project Calculate WIP page, where you calculate the work in progress (WIP) totals for a project that is WIP.
Actions > Functions > WIP > Post WIP to G/L Opens the Project Post WIP to G/L page, where you can post the work in progress (WIP) to the General Ledger.
Navigate > WIP > WIP Entries Opens the Project WIP Entries page, where you review all project WIP entries.
Navigate > WIP > WIP G/L Entries Opens the Project WIP G/L Entries page, where you review all project WIP General Ledger entries.
Navigate > Prices > Resource

Use this dialog page to view a list of all project task resources and their prices for the selected project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.(Use Resources for Projects )

When Resource Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the list shows only the project task resources that belong to entities to which you have access.

Navigate > Prices > Item

Use this dialog page to view a list of all items for the selected project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation. (Create Projects )

When Item Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the list shows only the items that belong to project to which you have access.

+New Opens the Select an Entity popup where users can select the Entity and Number Series. This function only applies when Number Series Security is enabled.

Project Card

Use this page to create, modify, and delete projects.

Note icon. Note: You cannot change the entity of a project after any project ledger entries, project WIP ledger entries or sales document lines have been posted against the project.

Assign the Owner Entity to a Project

To assign the owner entity to a project, follow the steps in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation to create or edit a project and incorporate the following step: 

  1. Select the Entity Code for the record.
  2. After the entity is assigned, MEM security is applied to the record. Access to the record is based on user-entity permission. When you assign the entity to the record, the change is reflected on the MEM Master Security page.

Tip: If you have several records that are not assigned to entities, use the MEM Master Security page.

Note icon. Note: If you change the owner entity for a record, the new entity has access to the record. However, the previous entity access is remains on the MEM Master Security page.

Assign Entity Security to a Project

To assign entity security to a project, follow the steps in the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation for creating or editing a project, and incorporate the following steps: 

  1. Select Actions > MEM Assign Entity Security.
  2. On the MEM Master Security page, check that the Direction, Master Records, and corresponding record field are updated with the values you want.
  3. These fields are automatically updated based on the selected record and cannot be changed.

  4. In the Destination Lines, select one or more entities for the relationship.
  5. For new records, your default entity or the first entity (if no default entity is selected) in the list is automatically assigned to the record.

  6. Close the MEM Master Security page to return to the card page for the record.

Card Fields

This page contains the following fields: 

Field Description
Bill-to Customer No.

Select the bill-to customer for the project.

When Customer Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), you can select only from the customers that belong to the entities to which you have access.

Entity Code

Select the owner entity for the record. You can change the entity to any entity to which you have access.

The default value is your default entity that you selected in My Settings. If you did not set up the default entity, the default entity is first entity in the list that you have access.

If the project has not started, the entity can be changed.

Note: The Entity field on the Select an Entity page is only editable when the No. Series Security option is disabled in the MEM Multi-Entity Management Setup.

Person Responsible

Select the person responsible for the project.

When Resource Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), you can select only from the resources that belong to the entities to which you have access.

Task list
The task list shows all project tasks for all entities regardless of whether you have access permission for the entity.
Entity Code Select the entity code for the line. The default value is from the header. Required.
Global Dimension Code Select the global dimension code for the line.

Card Header Actions

The header contains the following actions: 

Button Description
Actions > MEM Assign Entity Security

Opens the MEM Master Security page where you assign entities to the record.

When you select this action, the following header fields on the MEM Master Security are automatically updated as follows and cannot be changed: 

  • Direction is set to Master
  • Master Records is set to Project
  • Project is set to the record on this page

Process > Copy Project Tasks From

Actions > Copy Project Tasks From

Opens a dialog where you select a project from which you can copy project tasks.

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), you can select only from the projects that belong to the entities to which you have access.

Process > Copy Project Tasks To

Actions > Copy Project Tasks To

Opens a dialog where you select a project to which you can copy project tasks.

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), you can select only from the projects that belong to the entities to which you have access.

Project > Ledger Entries

Navigate > History > Project Ledger Entries

Opens the Project Ledger page, where you can review a list of all Project ledger entries.

WIP > Calculate WIP

Actions > WIP > Calculate WIP

Opens the MEM Project Calculate WIP page, where you calculate the work in progress (WIP) totals for a project that is WIP.

Projects Card > WIP > Post WIP to G/L

Actions > WIP > Calculate WIP

Opens the Project Post WIP to G/L page, where you can post the work in progress (WIP) to the General Ledger.

WIP > WIP Entries

Navigate > WIP > WIP Entries

Opens the Project WIP Entries page, where you review all project WIP entries.

WIP > WIP G/L Entries

Navigate > WIP > WIP G/L Entries

Opens the Project WIP G/L Entries page, where you review all project WIP General Ledger entries.
Prices > G/L Account

Use this dialog page to set up specific prices for general ledger expenses for a project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

When Resource Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the Project No. is restricted such that you can select project numbers that belong to the entities to which you have access.

Prices > Resource

Navigate > Prices > Resource

Use this dialog page to view a list of all project task resources and their prices for the selected project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

When Resource Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the list shows only the project task resources that belong to entities to which you have access.

Prices > Item

Projects Card > Navigate > Prices > Resource

Use this dialog page to view a list of all items for the selected project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

When Item Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the list shows only the items that belong to project to which you have access.

Navigate > Planning > Resource Allocated per Project

Use this dialog page to allocate resources for a project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the Show Matrix action shows only the project numbers that belong to entities to which you have access.

When Resource Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), only resources that belong to the entities to which you have access are available to be selected and allocated to the project number.

Navigate > Planning > Res. Gr. Allocated per Project

Use this dialog page to allocate resource groups for a project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the Show Matrix action shows only the project numbers that belong to entities to which you have access.

When Resource Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), only the resources within the resource group that belong to entities to which you have access are allocated to the project number selected. View example.

For example, a resource group, GroupA, is created. The following resources are assigned to GroupA : R1, R2, R3, R4, R5. You have access to only R1 and R3. When this action is used and the resource group selected is GroupA, the action applies to only resources R1 and R3.

Navigate > Project Planning Lines > Process > Sales Invoice/Credit Memo

Use this dialog page to view a list of all posted and unposted project invoices and credit memos for the selected project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), the list shows only the records that belong to entities to which you have access.

The list shows the following column: 

  • Entity Code

You can select a line to review the Sales Credit Memo or Sales Invoice.

Navigate > Project Planning Lines

Navigate > Project > Project Planning Lines

Line > Project > Project Planning Lines

Opens a dialog for a project task where you can add and edit planning lines to capture information that you want to track for a project. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation. (To create planning lines for a project )

  • When Resource Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), you can select resources in the No. column that belong to entities that you have permission to access.
  • When Item Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), you can select items in the No. column that belong to entities that you have permission to access.
  • The Location value is required, and you can select only from the locations that belong to entities to which you have access.

Navigate > Project Planning Lines > Process > Open Project Journal

Navigate > Project Planning Lines > Actions > Functions > Open Project Journal

Opens the Project Journals page, where you post time sheet entries for a project.

Card Tasks Actions

The Tasks FastTab contain the following actions: 

Button Description
Line > Functions > Split Planning Lines

Use this action to split the planning lines. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central documentation.

When Project Security is turned on (on the Multi-Entity Management Setup page), only the project numbers that belong to entities to which you have access can be selected for splitting.