Billing Lines

Modules > Property lease management > Leases > All Leases > [select a lease] > [select charge line] > Billing lines button

Use this page to specify details for the billing lines of a charge, such as escalation and abatement. You can also review the billing lines for the periods.

The Billing lines page has two main tabs, Billing Lines Tab and Lease Accounting Standard Tab (ASC 842/IFRS 16) which you can select. The FastTabs and fields that are visible depend on which main tab you select. For example, the Amortization schedule FastTab is only available when the Lease accounting standard is selected.

In this topic, you can find information about the Billing Line Actions and about the Lease Accounting Standard Actions.

Note icon. Note: The lease accounting standard can be used on expense and revenue leases that have a start date that is earlier than the lease accounting start date as specified on the Start date field on the Property Lease Management Parameters page. However, if the lease accounting standard start date is in the middle of a billing period, the billing period must be split so that a billing period ends before the lease accounting standard start date, and the next billing period is on the day of or after the lease accounting start date. For more information and assistance contact your administrator.

Default Date Values

The default dates that are applied to the charge details are based on the dates of the lowest level (e.g., unit) or the lease terms. Remember, you can change these dates as needed, but the default values serve as the basis from which you can work. The following scenarios provide more information.

  • Scenario 1
  • If start and end dates for the lowest level are provided, the charge lines use the start and end dates from the lowest level. In this scenario, it doesn't matter if lease terms exist or not.

  • Scenario 2
  • If only the start date for the lowest level is provided, and the start and end dates for the lease term are provided, the charge lines use the start and end dates from the lease term.

  • Scenario 3
  • If only the start date for the lowest level is provided, and no lease terms are attached to the lease, the charge lines use the start date of the lowest level, and the end date is determined by the billing frequency (e.g., monthly) of the lease.

Billing Line Actions

Review the following list of actions to learn what you can do on the Billing line tab:

Lease Accounting Standard Actions

Review the following list of actions to learn what you can do on the Lease accounting standard tab:

Charge Header

The header contains the following read-only fields: 

Field Description
Lease number

Displays the lease number.

Charge number

Displays the charge number.

Billing frequency Displays the billing frequency for lease charges. The options are: Monthly, Weekly, Quarterly, Annually, and One Time
Initial amount Displays the initial amount for the charge for the lease. Not available for meter charges.


Charge header buttons
Field Description
Process Updates the lines in the Billing Line Actions FastTab based on the specified escalation and abatement changes.

Initial journal process

Only available for leases and charges with Lease component turned on and the Lease accounting standard tab selected.

Opens a dialog where you specify the date on which the initial general journal is created. You can also specify a comment for the general journal.

For expense leases, when you select Process, the initial general journal for the ROU asset is created.

This button is available only when the initial general journal has not been created.

Modification journal process

Only available for leases and charges with Lease component turned on and the Lease accounting standard tab selected.

Opens a dialog where you specify the date on which the modification general journal is created. You can also specify a comment for the general journal.

Reverse initial journal

Only available for leases and charges with Lease component turned on and the Lease accounting standard tab selected.

Reverses the initial journal entry and creates a reversal journal number where you can view details about the journal entry that was reversed.

Only visible if an initial journal entry is created, but an invoice is not yet created or posted.

Asset return

Only available for revenue leases and charges with Lease component turned on and the Lease accounting standard tab selected.

Creates a journal and audit line. Only available once all periods have been fully posted.

Reverse asset return

Only available for revenue leases and charges with Lease component turned on and the Lease accounting standard tab selected.

Reverses an asset return modification and opens a processing window where you can specify details about the reversal of the asset return.

Creates a reverse asset return journal entry, the charge is changed to Active, and the audit table is updated.


Only available for expense leases and charges with Lease component turned on and the Lease accounting standard tab selected.

Opens a dialog where you specify the date on which the lease liability and ROU asset are remeasured based on various changes made. You can also specify a comment for the remeasure. Only the periods that have not been processed are affected by the remeasure.

If an expense lease is modified, the lease liability and ROU asset amount must be remeasured or recalculated. Changes to the lease can include, but are not limited to the following: