New Lease Wizard

Modules > Property lease management > Periodic tasks > New Lease Wizard

Use this wizard to follow a step-by-step process for creating a basic expense or revenue lease or to add property levels or charges to an existing lease. The steps in the wizard simplify the process of creating a lease by ensuring that you complete the most common and necessary information for the lease. If you need to add more information that is not included in the wizard, create the lease first, and then open the lease in the Lease Detailspage.

Note icon. Note: If you want to create multiple leases or more complex leases, use the Lease Detailspage. This wizard only includes the basic steps for creating a single lease.

Step 1: Set up a lease

Complete the fields for the lease. These fields correspond to the header of the Lease Details window.

Field Description
Lease number

Displays a lease number for a record.

Lease numbers can be automatically assigned or manually entered and are set up on the Number Sequences tab on the Property Lease Management Parameters page. For more information about number sequences, see Generate Number Sequences.


Specify a name for the lease. Optional.

Category name

Select the category for the lease. Required.

Lease type

Select the lease type you want to create. The default value is from the General tab on the Property Lease Management Parameters page.

For an expense lease, select one of the following lease types. These additional types are related to the lease accounting standard (e.g., ASC 842/IFRS 16).

  • Financial Lease: The lease is a financial (or capital) lease.
  • Operating Lease:  The lease is an operating lease.
  • Short Term Lease: The lease is for a period of 12 months or shorter. Available for IFRS 16 only.
Discount rate

Specify the discount rate to apply to the lease. The discount is available for financial or operating expense leases and affects the Billing Lines on the Billing Lines page.

Customer/Vendor account

For a revenue lease, select the customer number. For an expense lease, select the vendor number. The label that appears is based on the lease type selected.

Customer/Vendor name Displays the customer or vendor name for the selected account.
Currency Select the currency for the lease. Required. The default value is from the customer or vendor record.
Lease commencement date

Specify the start date for the lease. Required.

Rent commencement date

Specify a rent start date for the lease. Required. The default date is the lease commencement date, but you can change it.

This date is used for adding term and escalation lines.

Execution date

Specify the execution date for the lease. Optional. The default date is the lease commencement date, but you can change it.


Select whether invoices for multiple leases are combined into a single invoice.

  • Yes: Creates a single invoice that combines the billing details for a customer or vendor. Invoices from a single lease can be consolidated when the separate invoices have the same customer or vendor and the same currency. This feature is available for sales order, free text invoice journal, and vendor invoices.
  • No: Separate invoices are always created.

The default value is from the General tab on the Property Lease Management Parameters page.


Select whether the lease is classified as migrated or not. Turn on Migrated if you are manually entering the details of a lease which you are migrating into PLM.

  • Yes: The lease was migrated into your PLM environment.
  • No: The lease was created in your PLM environment and therefore not migrated.
Old lease number If you have turned on Migrated, then enter the old lease number of the lease you are migrating through the New lease wizard process.
Prorate partial periods

Select whether to prorate the partial billing periods: 

  • Yes: Calculates partial amounts for first or last periods that are not full billing periods. The amounts for partial billing periods is a fraction of the full billing period amount.
  • No: Does not calculate partial amounts when the first or last periods are not full billing periods. Partial billing periods are charged the same amount as full billing periods.

The default value is from the General tab on the Property Lease Management Parameters page.

Align to month

Select whether to align the billing period for a lease to the end of a month when the lease is created:

  • Yes: Aligns the billing period of a lease to the end of a month.
  • For example, a lease is created on April 15, the end of the first billing cycle is April 30. Each subsequent billing cycle then starts on the 1st of the month and ends on the last day of the month.

  • No: Does not align the billing period for a lease to the end of a month.
  • For example, this option is selected and the billing frequency is monthly. For a billing cycle that starts on April 15, the end of the billing cycle is May 14. Each subsequent billing cycle starts on the 15th of the month and ends on the 14th of the month.

The default value is from the General tab on the Property Lease Management Parameters page.

Lease status

For a new lease, select the lease status:

  • Active: A lease with this status can be billed and invoiced.
  • Draft: The lease is not active and cannot be billed and invoiced.

Step 2: Set up coverages

Add one or more insurance policies for the lease. If you want to skip this step in the wizard, you can add the insurance policies on the Insurance page.

Field Description
Insurance policy number Specify the insurance policy number. Required.
Description Specify the description of the insurance.
Required amount Specify the required amount for the insurance.
Certificate Specify the insurance certificate number, if applicable.
Insurance provider Specify the name of the insurance provider.
Policy cost

Specify the cost of the insurance policy.

Start/End date insured period Specify the start and end dates of the insurance policy. Required.
Policy amount

Specify the insurance policy amount.

Step 3: Set up user defined fields

Enter the values for any user-defined fields. The user-defined fields that appear in this step are created on the Lease User Defined Fields tab FastTab of the Property Lease Management Parameters page.

If you want to skip this step in the wizard, you can specify the values on the User Defined Fields page, which can be accessed from the Lease Details page by selecting Notifications > User Defined fields.

Step 4: Set up lease terms

Enter terms for the lease. If you want to skip this step in the wizard, you can add the terms on the Lease Details page at a later time.

When adding terms, ensure that the terms do not have overlapping dates. However, a date gap can occur between terms. For example, one term has a start date of January 1, 2020, and an end date January 15, 2020. The following term cannot have a start date on or before January 15, 2020. However, it can have a start date on January 16, 2020, or later.

Field Description
Period by period lease

Indicates whether the period-by-period functionality is used (for example, the invoices for a lease are month to month):

  • Yes: The period-by-period functionality is used. Invoices are created on a period-by-period basis, and lines are added based on the billing frequency of the lease.
  • No: The period-by-period functionality is not used.

The default value is from the General tab on the Property Lease Management Parameters page.

Line number Displays the line number for the term. This number is automatically incremented for each line added.
Term start date

Specify the start date for the term.

Required. The default date is from the Rent commencement date in Step 1: Set up a lease.

Term end date

Specify the end date for the term. Editing the end date changes the start date for the following line.


Term type

Select a term type. The available options are created on the Term Types tab of the Property Lease Management Parameters page.

Lead time (days)

Specify the number of lead days required for lease notices.

Notice requirements Specify a description of the term requirements.

Step 5: Set up Levels

Specify the category details for the lease.

  • If the Category selected in Step 1: Set up a lease has no required levels, this step is automatically skipped.
  • If the Category selected has required levels 1, 2, or 3, specify the level details of the category.

The labels that appear in this step are based on the labels entered on the on the Categories tab of the Property Lease Management Parameters page and the Properties. Also, the number of required levels that are visible depends on the required levels for the category.

Field Description
Property (Level 1) Select Level 1 for the category.
Building (Level 2) Select Level 2 for the category.
Unit (Level 3) Select Level 3 for the category.
Start date Displays the start date of the lease, which is the rent commencement date as defined on Step 1: Set up a lease. If needed you can change the start date.
End date

Specify the end date of the lowest level. The default date is the end date of the last term. You can change the date as needed.

For a lease that uses the period by period functionality, the default date is empty.

When the end date is empty, the date of the is determined by the Start date and the charge frequency.

Total area Displays the total area of the property level. Read-only.
Leasable area Displays the leasable area of the of the property level. Read-only.
Leased area Displays the leased area of the property level. You can change this value as needed.
Chargeable area Displays the chargeable area for the lease. You can change this value as needed.
Area unit Displays the unit in which the area is measured.
Expense Pool

Displays the CAM expense pools attached to the property. All default values are set up on the Property Lease Management Parameters or the Expense Pools pages. You can add or remove expense pools or change the details as needed.

When a CAM expense pool is removed, the associated expense accounts from the list below are also removed.

Expense pool number Displays the CAM expense pool number attached to the property levels.
Description Displays the description of the CAM expense pool.
Calculation method

Select the method for calculating CAM expenses: 

  • Base year: CAM expenses are based on the first year of a lease.
  • Current year: CAM expenses are based on the actual expenses of the current year.

For more information, see Calculations.

Once a reconciliation for a CAM expense pool exists, the calculation method cannot be changed.

Pro-Rata share

Select the pro-rata share method for dividing the CAM expenses proportionately among all affected tenants.

  • Fixed percentage: CAM expenses are calculated as a percent of the actual CAM expense amount.
  • Property area: CAM expenses are calculated as follows: Actual CAM expense * (leaseable area of a unit / leaseable area of the building).
  • Tenants area:  CAM expenses are calculated as follows:  Actual CAM expense * (chargeable area of a unit / chargeable area of all units in the building).
    When Exclude CAM calculation is selected for the lowest level on the Lease Details page, the lowest level is excluded from the calculation.

For more information, see Pro-Rata Share Method.

Pro-Rata percentage

Specify the percent for the pro-rata calculation method.

Available and required when Fixed percentage is the pro-rata method used.

Reconciliation year

Select whether the CAM reconciliation amount is calculated based on the fiscal or lease year.

  • Fiscal year: The CAM reconciliation is based on the fiscal year as set up in Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.
  • Lease year: The CAM reconciliation is based on the lease year.

For example, the fiscal year for a company is January to December. A lease has a start date of April 1, 2018. When the CAM reconciliation is based on the fiscal year, the reconciliation is performed on December 31, 2019. When the CAM reconciliation is based on the lease year, the reconciliation is performed on March 31, 2019.

Base year

Specify the base year for the CAM reconciliation. The default is the current year, which you can change.

Available when using the Base year calculation method.

Base year amount

Displays the base year amount for the CAM expenses.

This field is mainly used when importing data from a different system when implementing Property Lease Management.

Expense Account

Displays the associated accounts for the selected CAM expense pool. All default values are set up on the Expense Pools pages. You can add or remove expense accounts or change the details as needed.

Charge account Displays the account number for the charge. Required.
Description Displays the description of the charge.
Cap type

Select the capping type: 

  • Cumulative: The cap amount is calculated cumulatively starting from the base year and considering all previous years.
  • Non-cumulative: The cap amount is calculated based on the current year and is reset every year.

For more information, see Capping.


Specify the cap percent.

The cap can only be used with when Calculation method is Base year.


Specify the mark-up percent.

For more information, see Markups.


Specify the gross-up percent.

For more information, see Gross Ups.

Step 6: Add charges

Select the charges for the lease. To add a lease to a charge, select a charge from the Available charges list and select the arrow to add it to the Selected charges list.

Field Description
Available charges Displays a list of available charges.
Selected charges Displays a list of charges that are attached to the lease.

Step 7: Edit charges and escalation

A line for each charge selected from the previous step appears in the list. This step has two lists for the charges. The first list is for setting up the charge details. The second list is for setting up the escalation details for the charges.


The default values for the charge are created on the Charges setup page. Change the values as needed.

If the property levels have attached CAM expense pools and after the lowest level is selected, this step is automatically updated with the CAM and recoverable charges.

Field Description
Charge number

Displays the charge ID.

Item number

Select the item number that is included as an additional component for the charge.

The item number is required for Vendor Invoice and Sales order invoice types. For Invoice journal or Free text invoice types the item number is optional.

For charges for an expense lease, the item selected must be a non-stock item.

Note icon. Note: An item number can be used for a revenue lease or an expense lease but not both.


Displays the name of the selected item. This value is automatically updated when the Item number is selected, but you can change it as needed.

Charge type

Select the charge type: 

  • CAM: The charge is used for common area maintenance (CAM) charges that are added to a revenue lease. For more information on CAM charges, see CAM Expense Calculations.
  • Consumption: The charge is a measured amount based on usage that is applied to a lease. For example, electricity charge.
  • Regular: The charge is a specified amount that is applied to a lease. For example, charging an amount of 200. 00.
  • Sales based: The charge is used for sales based reconciliation.

The charge type is set up on the Charges page.


Select a default billing frequency for lease charges. The options are: Monthly, Weekly, Quarterly, Annually, and One Time.

Meter number

Select the meter number attached to this level.

Available and required when Charge type is Consumption.

Quantity Specify the item quantity.

Displays the unit of measure used for item.

Amount Displays the amount for one item.
Extended amount Displays the calculated amount for the item. Read-only. The amount is calculated as follows: Quantity * Amount.
Charge recoverable type

Select the charge recoverable type. The following options are available:

  • None: No charge recoverable type is used.
  • Sales: Charge recoverables are based on sales reporting information.
  • Contribution: Charge recoverables are based on contribution deduction calculations.
  • Meter reading: Charge recoverables are based on meter reading information.
Site Select the site location for the item.
Warehouse Select the warehouse location for the item.
Location Select the location for the item.
Period by period

Indicates whether the period-by-period functionality is used (for example, the invoices for a lease are month to month):

  • Yes: The period-by-period functionality is used. Invoices are created on a period-by-period basis, and lines are added based on the billing frequency of the lease.
  • No: The period-by-period functionality is not used.

The default value is from Step 4: Set up lease terms.

Lease component

Select whether the leased item uses the lease accounting standard (e.g., ASC 842/IFRS 16).

  • Yes: The leased item uses the lease accounting standard.

    When the option is selected, you must specify the main accounts you want to use for the lease components:

    • Direct Cost GL Account
    • Gain on Lease Account
    • Lease Liability Account
    • Lease Payable Clearing Account
    • Loss on Lease Account
    • Accumulative amortization account
    • ROU Asset Account
    • ROU Asset Adjustment Account
    • Tenant Incentive GL Account
    • Variable Rent Expense Account
    • Financial lease (does not apply to charges)
      • Interest Expense Account
      • Amortization Expense Account
    • Operating lease
      • Lease Expense Account
  • No: The leased item does not use the lease accounting standard.

Select whether or not the charge has been imported from another source.

  • Yes: The charge was migrated into your PLM environment.
  • No: The charge was created in your PLM environment and therefore not migrated.
Separate invoice

Select whether to have the invoice line for the charge to be consolidated with other charges.

  • Yes: The charge is not consolidated and appears as a separate line on a separate invoice. This option is usually selected for charges such as sales based charges.
  • No: The charge is consolidated with other lines on the invoice.

The default value is from the Property Lease Management Parameters.


Specify the escalation details for the charges.

Field Description
Charge number

Displays the charge ID.

Escalation date Specify the escalation date.
Term start date

Specify the start date for the term.

The default date is from Step 1: Set up a lease.

Term end date

Specify the end date for the term. Editing the end date changes the start date for the following line.

The default date is from Step 1: Set up a lease.

Escalation frequency Select the frequency for the escalation. The options are: Monthly, Weekly, Quarterly, Annually, and One Time 

Select an increase option on which to base escalations:

  • Greater Of: Of the escalation methods entered, uses the method that has the largest value for the escalation.
  • Lesser Of: Of the escalation methods entered, uses the method that has the smallest value for the escalation.

Specify a percent value to be used as the escalation.


Specify an amount to be used as the escalation.

CPI schedule

Select a CPI (Consumer Price Index) schedule. CPI schedules are created on the CPI Schedule window.

If CPI escalation is selected, the percentage change for the charge is based on the percentage change between the CPI index values from the lease commencement date or the previous escalation date. CPI adjustments affect the revenue amount. The following formula gives you the percent change of the revenue amount: (Current CPI / Previous CPI value) - 1

Rate schedule

Select a rate schedule. The first increase affects the entire amount of the schedule, further increases are incremental based on the amount affected.

Charge Details

Displays the details for the selected charge. The charge details can be changed as needed.

Field Description
Financial Dimensions

This area is for setting up the charge account and financial dimension values.

  • Charge account
  • Select the main account number for the charge.

    This account is used for the invoice of the charge. You can change the account when applying a charge to a lease.

  • Financial dimensions
  • Displays the default financial dimensions for the charge for the selected line, which can be changed as needed.

    • BusinessUnit
    • CostCenter
    • Department
    • ItemGroup
    • Project

    Financial dimension is a standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations feature. For more information on using financial dimensions, see Financial Dimensions.

    When the financial dimension values are empty, the financial dimensions are from the lowest level, customer/vendor, or charge.


Displays the item sales tax group and sales tax group for the charge. The default item sales tax group and sales tax group are from the lowest level of the property.

  • If the lowest level does not have an item tax group, the default value is from the charge.
  • If the lowest level does not have a sales tax group, the default value is from the customer or vendor record.

The sales tax is a standard Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations features. For more information, see the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations documentation.

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Step 8: Preview

Review the settings for the lease.

All values in this step are read-only. To change any of the values go back to the step where you specified the values. If you are satisfied with the values as shown in the preview, select Next.

The lease will be created.

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Step 9: Complete

After the lease has been created, you can select the next action you want to perform:

  • Create another lease: Restarts the wizard so you can create a new lease for a different customer or vendor.
  • Apply to another unit: Allows you to add another level combination to the same lease. This action restarts the wizard from Step 5: Set up Levels where you specify the category details for the lease.
  • Finish: Closes the wizard.

After you finish the wizard, you can review the lease on the Lease Details page and, if needed, make any changes.